Red handed- Part 1

Belle walked away from the scene, taking Lucas along with her, "The body is not there. They have it in the carriage," she informed Lucas before saying, "He killed Greed? I mean the councilman."

"That's a switcher," revealed Lucas to her. 

"What?!" Belle stopped walking but she was pulled by Lucas.

"Keep walking, little Belle. You don't want to make it look suspicious," and they walked away from the village but took a different route to get to the carriage which Dutan mentioned. 

"Why are we not going to do anything about him?" she asked, her eyes looking up at him questioningly. Switchers were not good news and they were better to be removed from these lands than be kept alive and create more mess in the already existing troubles they had. She then saw Lucas pull out his watch that showed the time of death. 

"Take a look," he said to her and Belle looked down the needle that showed one day when being pointed towards Dutan.