Red handed- Part 2

Music recommendation: Funny Background Music For Videos | Comedy Music Instrumental

A few hours ago...

Barron was walking past the corridor where the Grim's were captured to see if Greed and Baltimore were still there in their assigned rooms and had not disappeared from the mansion as it would be disastrous. 

Taking a peek at the room where Greed was, his eyes moved to see Greed who was already staring at him as if he knew he was going to have a visitor. 

"What are you doing in the rabbit suit?" asked Greed and he sighed, shaking his head, "You look pathetic. For a Grim reaper to be captured is shameful, but then I wouldn't be surprised that Guilt has abilities that none of us knew."

"Aren't you a Grim reaper yourself?" asked Barron, he placed his rabbit hand against the door, leaning against it fashionably as he was the superior here.