In your arms- Part 3

When Belle had mentioned indirectly about how lonely it was to sleep alone, she hadn't expected Lucas to agree to move into her room. She had butterflies in her stomach while she sat on the bed, looking at Lucas walk in and out of the room where he was carrying things from his previous room to the space she had created for him. 

There was a wide grin on her lips which she tried to hide but she couldn't.

"Belle," Barron called her name, who was watching Lucas move around as he said with Belle on the bed, "Can I get a room for myself too? I was thinking about that corner room where you can see the town and village. Maybe a nice quilt and add some woods in there."

"You don't feel cold. Why do you need the woods to be burned in the room?" asked Lucas with his back facing them. 

Barron nudged his hand on Belle's leg for attention so that she wouldn't listen to Lucas, "What do you say?" he asked her.