His apples- Part 1

Four days had passed since Lucas had moved his clothes as well as himself to Belle's room, sharing the room that had Belle's mood uplift to great heights and Lucas noticed that. With her change in mood, the pain that was inflicted on her hand and leg was healing quicker than before. A vampire often healed faster than a human. A soul was the most important part of the body, and with only half of her soul present previously, her body had turned weak almost like a human. 

But now, the remaining soul in her body was trying to fill up the vessel trying to be whole once again, which was an improvement. He wondered if it was because she had received the powers of being a witch again. 

"Why do you keep wasting the apples?!" asked Belle to Barron who had plucked out apples to only eat half before throwing them on the ground. They had been in the apple orchard for ten minutes now.