Joshua is back- Part 2

"Don't you think it is too early and quick to decide that it was done by my butler?" asked Belle. 

"That is why I used the word speculation, milady," answered the councilman, "As I said, it is just that we find it very disturbing on why someone would kill the ladies when they weren't involved in anything shady." 

Belle looked at the man. There was no way the council members would take Lucas with them right now without any solid proof, therefore, she didn't worry over it. There was no way they could ever pinpoint that the two women had been killed by him. Because if they did, there would be too many bodies that would be coming out to have Lucas involved in it. 

Everyone waited in the room for the other three councilmen to return who did, after finishing the search to find nothing. Councilman Joshua looked very upset that there was nothing he could find but he did bring something along with him. It was the ragged doll of Belle, Mr. Fluffs.