Time ticks- Part 1

Belle stared at the headstone that was upside down on the grave. By what she remembered, Lucas and Barron had come to this cemetery when her parents had revisited as spirits so that they could see what was going on while also finding the other spirits who might have stepped into the land of the living from the dead. 

Did they not realise that the headstone was placed in a way where a person had to tilt their head to read it, as the headstone was placed upside down.

Councilman Christophe turned to look at Belle for a possible explanation of why the headstone was placed upside down. Belle then said, 

"My parents died in an unnatural death so one of the priestesses told me that I should place the names upside down."

"Isn't it considered to be an ill omen to be placing it like this though?" asked Councilman Christophe.