Wandering soul- Part 2

Belle had never met this girl before. The condition Charlotte was in, she felt sorry while also wondering what happened to her. Charlotte had a very kind and sweet demeanour that made it hard to believe that she was killed gruesomely if it weren't for the wide-open cavity that showed her bones. 

"I'm sorry," apologized Belle when her eyes went to look at the open chest. She knew it was rude to be looking at it and it wasn't just Belle who was looking at Charlotte as there was also Barron who seemed like he was looking at her. 

"That's alright," responded Charlotte, not minding the attention she was receiving from them, "Lucas briefed me about what is going on. I am more than happy to help Leo and Vivi."

"Thank you for volunteering," said Belle before walking towards the smoke and Lucas followed her, "Why hasn't she passed to the realm of the dead?" It was a question that arose in her mind.