To be a couple- Part 1

Both Lucas and Belle were in the land of Valeria before Vivian could step into the land. They had decided to settle down without making their appearance in the town look suspicious. Lucas held Belle's hand firmly in his hand while his eyes scouted the village they were in. 

"There's less snow here," stated Belle, her eyes taking in the new village she had never been in before. Lucas' one hand held Belle's and the other held a trunk that had clothes of theirs, "I always wanted to go travelling." 

"You still can."

"Leaving the mansion alone by itself?" asked Belle, "I am somewhere worried that the house will no longer be standing when we return back." 

"Greed is there. There shouldn't be much that Barron would break." They had appeared in the forest and started to walk in the village, making their way towards a possible inn where they could stay.