Why me??- Part 1

Belle had a look of shock on her face, staring at her aunt who had been shot right at the centre of her head, in front of her by Lucas, who had returned home a minute ago. She was speaking to her aunt Irene, trying to get her out of the mansion as quick as possible. She had seen this before, this melted body and her eyebrows drew in together in a deep frown. A switcher...but there was something more in here because she caught sight of a shadow that started to slip away and Lucas snapped his finger for the shadow to stop that was trying to escape. 

She quickly stepped away from it, seeing how the shadow was trying to move closer to each other, like threads going to a particular spot to create a creature. 

"Is this is a spirit?" asked Belle, her hands had already pulled out the blue light from her hand.

"I didn't know we had a guest from the land of the dead," commented Greed to pull out his scythe.