Why me?? - Part 2

Belle looked down at the dust that remained on the ground of her aunt, "Do you think there are others like this?" she questioned because if her aunt was walking freely into her home, where she had travelled by the carriage, wasn't it possible that things were not the same at her aunt's home? 

"We don't know about that," replied Lucas, "Maybe the invitation might help in knowing if we have any more cases like this." 

Barron, who shifted his gaze from the ground to look at Belle, asked, "Are you happy about her death?" 

"I wouldn't say I was sad," came the truthful reply from Belle and Barron's ears moved up.

"Get the maids to clean this up. Spotless," ordered Lucas and Greed was the one who left the room. The master and slave bond went much deeper in the world of the dead that every word was to be followed which was why Barron had refused to create one with Lucas, instead, demanding to be the master and not the slave.