Surviving The Night

"Well, would you like to hear more about the things that I haven't told you yet?"Xue's voice was warm and smooth like honey, a mischievous tone in it as he asked her—his lips nearly brushing her ear. She found herself wanting to say yes but she leaned back, until her back hit against her mattress. He tilted his head and chuckled, he moved closer and brushed a stray hair out of her face. "Miss Chan Lee, have I ever told you that you're a bit silly? I think it's cute though." She felt her face heat up even more. When did this guy start to act way older than his age; well, more accordingly to his age?The doorbell rang. She pushed him away—Which was a wrong move.Her hands touched his chest as she quickly got up, feeling taut muscles underneath it. She blinked for a moment before she shook her head. Chan Lee made a move for her bag on the table and ran towards the door.She swung the door open—and met the gaze of someone else."Han Jing?" She blinked and looked up to her old neighbor, the familiar shirt and shorts combination and the scraggly dark hair that matched his eyes.He crossed his arms and raised a brow at her. "Were you expecting someone else, Chan Lee?""Uh, the food delivery guy." Despite all of that, there was something different about him.She couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was though."I came at the right time then!" He grinned at her, the usual carefree tone. "What's up? Long time since I've been here. Xue, how are you doing?" He looked up and waved at Xue who was probably still in bed.She quirked her lips. "You've been visiting Xue, so it's not really a long time. It's been what—two days since the last two of us saw each other?""I guess someone didn't miss me." Han Jing sighed aloud.She made a face. "Did you intentionally not see me for a couple of days to see if I missed you?""Um, yes? Absence makes the heart grow fonder." Han Jing scratched his head, giving her another one of his playful grins.Biting back a chuckle, she moved out of the door's path. "Pfft… get your butt in."He strolled into the room and made his way to his usual spot by the wall, "Yay, free food.""Your mother cooks you lunch and dinner, what more do you want?""Come on, there's always something nice with eating out. But I'll let you know, I've been improving my cooking skills. I have a friend that's been helping me." He plopped down the floor, resting his back against the wall."Really?" A friend? "Yeah, Timothy.""Timothy?" She walked over to the table, what would be an appropriate drink for tonight? Tea? Coffee? Chocolate?"An online friend.""That sounds nice, Han Jing." Xue spoke up, "How's job hunting going?"Chan Lee blinked and glanced down at the guy. "You're looking for a job Han Jing? Do my ears deceive me?!"The guy stuck a tongue out at her, "Very funny. You should be congratulating me instead of trying to make fun of me. You were much nicer when we first met.""Well it's been nearly a year," She smiled briefly. "I guess I got too comfortable.""Way too comfortable, so what are we having for dinner? Did you order enough?""We're trying to save money—you don't want to get fat either.""In other countries, I'm a perfectly healthy man and I've been exercising too! The standards here are just too suffocating, but before you know it, I'll get abs.""Has the Body Tempering Elixir been that effective?" Xue asked and tilted his head.Han Jing nodded, "It has been helping me, unfortunately I got no flying sword technique or heaven defying tiger method. Do you think Hua Zhao got something like that, Chan Lee?""We've already coerced that man into helping us for too many times, why didn't you ask him earlier? He dropped by didn't he?""Oh you know men, they won't help out unless a pretty lady fawns over them." Han Jing shrugged."That's kind of sexist." She tried not to face palm."Unfortunately true, at least in this scenario—highly dubious that he'd help me but he'd consider it if it was you.""You're ridiculous."Their food arrived shortly after during their conversation and it was a welcome happening. Chan Lee managed to regain more sense of control as she ate her worries away—things were fine. There was Han Jing and Xue with her. Quite similar to when Xue had first arrived and they all had a cup of tea together.A semblance of normality.It put her at ease.Until she realized that Han Jing would have to leave.She couldn't dare ask him to stay overnight right? That would be weird."Well, I better get going. Thanks for the food. It was nice to see you again, Chan Lee.""It's just two days.""It felt far longer than that." Han Jing chuckled as he stood up from the floor. "I'll see you around.""Thanks for always taking care of Xue for me." She coughed and helped him to the door. "I mean it's not like you have anything else to do at the moment—but since you're also looking for work, I'll try not to bother you too much!"He waved her off. "No worries, if you guys give me a cut on the Body Tempering Elixirs, we're good." He didn't have any work right now but he was one negotiator.Chan Lee chuckled. "Well, I'm not the one you should be asking—""Maybe, but you're not going to stop job hunting, right Han Jing?" Xue spoke up behind her, startling her for a moment.He had moved so quickly.Xue continued, "I think it may defeat your purpose to find work on your own.""Yeah, I'll keep that in mind, thanks Xue… have a goodnight you two." Han Jing left after that.He didn't even make a suggestion or move to stay the night. Chan Lee shook her head, the guy was probably going through a serious moment. Now how would she survive the night?"Miss Chan Lee?" Xue waved a hand in front of her face. "Are you alright?"If only the answer was a simple yes."Yeah, er… I'm gonna try to get some sleep. Today has been a tiring day." She answered with a weak smile.Saturday Ends