It was warm, cozy and she didn't want to wake up—wait!
Chan Lee bolted up and glanced down to see a sleeping figure beside her, Xue. "What the?" Should she scream—? Why was he in her bed?! He wasn't here when she slept! "Xue?" The person didn't budge at all. She frowned, if it weren't for the fact that she didn't want to disturb him sleeping, she would have smacked the living daylights out of him.
She rested a hand underneath her chin, glancing at him still asleep. Even though she had seen him several times already, she still couldn't get tired of his sleeping face. Her fingers brushed and traced his cheek and she stopped.
Man, she was weird.
Shaking her head, she carefully got out from her bed. She'd definitely talk with him over this and tell him what? Ask permission when he wanted to sleep beside her? Chan Lee smacked a hand over her face. "I'm going to get a new bed."
She trudged over to her table for her electric kettle, refilling it with water. "But for now, I'll have breakfast." Chan Lee yawned and covered her mouth, hoping the sleepiness would go away—she wasn't going to slump back to her bed.
Nope, she wasn't going back to her comfortable bed with the convenient person to cuddle with—said person was waking up. Xue rubbed his eyes and yawned softly, "Hmm, good morning Miss Chan Lee?" He greeted her with a warm smile.
Chan Lee pressed her lips together, trying to find the words together. "Are you in the mood for hot chocolate? Tea?" She tried not to shake her head and instead found herself stupidly smiling back.It was a little too hard to get mad at him.
Sunday Ends Peacefully.
Monday soon arrived and she found herself in the same spot. When she woke up, he was in the same bed as her. She looked at the figure slumbering beside her, he was coddled up like a baby until he yawned softly like a cat, his blue eyes blinking open—his gaze immediately found her and he greeted her with a smile.
A smile that said he was a completely innocent fool.
Or maybe she was the fool here.
Chan Lee inched away from him, eyeing him carefully. Trying to find better words than yesterday, she had to let him know why this wasn't exactly good. "You're starting to get comfortable being in the same bed as me, you know?"
"I recall that you once felt bad for me always sleeping on the floor." Xue tilted his head at her, his expression told her that he couldn't understand why she was even asking about it. "So I decided to sleep on the bed." It was the most simplest decision for him.
"With me?" She raised a brow.
He smiled brightly and nodded. "I don't want you to sleep on the floor, Miss Chan Lee~?"
It seemed that his childlike innocence was still there—added with a dose of childish whinings. Although his requests as of late weren't exactly that childlike, at least if you asked her. Asking for kisses, wanting to shower in the bathroom. She had to act mature between them, so she cleared her throat and mustered a serious look. "With the money you earned from Hua Zhao, you could buy a bed—you could rent a flat on your own to be honest."
"Wouldn't it be less expensive if I stayed here?" He asked. "I think it's better off if we save the money for a rainy day, an emergency fund?"
That made sense.
She wasn't going to win any debates with him, instead she rested her head again on her pillow. "Ugh, I don't want to get out of bed." She glared at the white ceiling above them.
"Me too." He said, she could feel his gaze on her.
She snickered and looked at him from the corner of her eyes, "You can stay here for as much as you like, I have classes."
"How about you don't attend them?" He asked.
She blinked and stared at him. This guy wanted her to skip class? "...I think Han Jing has been a negative influence. Still, treat him a bit more kindly when he comes and visits again? He still comes around to take care of you right?" She hadn't been able to remind Han Jing everyday but she trusted that the guy would still do it.
Chan Lee trusted Han Jing.He was dependable.A good friend and neighbor.
Xue inched closer to her, the two of them now sharing a single pillow. "Why don't you just take care of me instead of him?"
Take care of him, she could start up a small business and forget about graduating from college? She could have definitely done that, they had the means to do so. Especially if Hua Zhao had interest in buying more Body Tempering Elixirs.
She flicked his forehead. "No. I'm getting up from bed." She couldn't do that.
"Chan Lee, I talked with Bo Lifen and I think you're hired. When's your free schedule? Can you work on weekdays? Even a couple of hours would be great, it'd help out."
Say no. Say no.
"Sure!" And so she took over a three-hour shift in between her break time. And several more hours throughout the week. Getting home would be the highlight of her day, especially when she fell face-first into her bed.
Monday Ends
There was a lot of poking on her face. She tried to ignore it and continue her slumber. "Miss Chan Lee? Are you not going to wake up? I mean, I personally don't mind—but you have classes right?"
"Nghr." Softness and warmth pressed against the temple of her forehead. Her eyes snapped open to see pale collarbones, until she found Xue's face as he pulled back and grinned.
"Oh you woke up, I guess true love's kiss does work."
"That's a kid's movie—" Chan Lee didn't bother refuting him as she squirmed out of his grip. "I'm getting up now and going to work." Today, her classes would be in the afternoon so she could take over a shift in the morning.
"Work?" Xue frowned, "Miss Chan Lee, I don't really think you need to work."She averted her gaze and rubbed her arm. "It's a good experience for me, Xue. A lot of students take part time jobs."
"As long as you don't push yourself too hard."
"Yeah, I'll be fine."
Tuesday Ends