House of Mirrors (2)

The end was nigh.

It was so close that she could taste it: blood, death and fear.

They were coming.



It filled her ears and matched her pulsing heartbeats. Why did it have to happen now? All she wanted was to live in peace… couldn't she even have that? Her gaze glazed over at her own reflection. There was ringing in her ears as her vision blurred.

Somebody shook her shoulder, "Chan Lee, let's turn back. It's a dead end here." Suyin, a voice of reason. But she wasn't reasonable this time.



Time was running out.

All she could see was themselves reflected in the mirror, Gen's back turned from them, his phone's light shining down the corridor. The look of indignation written across Suyin's face at her answer.

And finally, them.

The very first one arrived swiftly.