Price Of Freedom

The light from the entrance was a dream come true.

Each step that they took forward was enough to fan a flame of hope within her. A burden being lifted from her shoulders. They were almost there—but something still lurched in her throat.

"Well, we finally got out!" Gen declared with a happy sigh as they stepped into the amusement park's ground. The noonday sun burned hot and brightly. It struck a stark contrast to the House of Mirrors cold and even frostbiting halls.

Chan Lee would choose this warmth everytime.

"Are you okay now, Chan Lee?" Suyin tapped her shoulder, a slightly indignant but resigned look on her face.

Guilt blossomed into her chest and reddened her cheeks. She mustered a nod, "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for dealing with me." Seriously, how could she pull a stunt like that and not expect backlash?