Racing Hearts, Running Minds

There was no time to be wasted. Pulling away from Han Jing, she began to turn into the direction of their university and run towards it. Every minute and second she delayed herself would be another moment wasted.

"Hey, Chan Lee—where are you going?" Han Jing asked once more, he was following after her.

She glanced at him, "I need to talk to Hua Zhao right now."

"At this very instance?" He blinked at her.

"Yeah!" Perhaps it was the rush of adrenaline, but she wasn't keeling over in exhaustion as she kept up a steady pace. "I can't afford to be delayed!"

Han Jing jogged beside her, "Why not take a bus then? It's much faster." 

"I left my wallet at home." She slowed down a bit, trying to regulate her breathing to maintain running. She was no runner, but she could do this at least.

A chuckle escaped Han Jing's lips, "That's totally you."