Assumptions vs Truth

The door finally swung open—and voila! It was Hua Zha who opened it for them. They had gotten the room right after all. "What do you want?" He raised a brow at her, leaning against the doorframe with his arms tucked over his chest.

"Well uh…"

Chan Lee felt at loss with words, he really didn't seem willing to deal or pleased to see her. Actually, with him standing still. She could see that his hair was a bit of a mess, his usually neat ponytail was frazzled. And so was his entire demeanor, as if he had gone through some ordeal?

Maybe this wasn't the best of times.

"Gee, not even a hello?" Han Jing remarked with a shake of his head. Chan Lee had been thankful for him tagging along, but she wasn't sure how good this guy would be at negotiations. "Are you not even going to invite us into your room at the very least?"

Yeah, this wasn't going to work out well.