The Ones You Miss The Most

It was supposed to have been a quick walk.

That was what she had told him.

But she wasn't back until now.

"Could you give me a little space? I'll be back soon." That was what Chan Lee had told him before she went out the door, clutching the letter tightly in her hand. The look in her eyes was far away, as if she wanted to escape and so he didn't bother her any further.

He had already troubled her a lot.

Still, it didn't stop him from fretting about how she hadn't returned yet. How long has it been now? If it had been a short walk to get some air—then surely she would have breathed in a lot by now. It wasn't even really good air now that he thought of it. "The air here really is kind of polluted." Xue plopped on their bed before he lay down and stared up at the ceiling. Was she mad at him? Did she hate him?

What if she didn't want to come back anymore?