The Final Offer

"How will we know that you do not actually harbor any Celestial Being, Miss?" Shen Jie Li asked.

This question stunned her for a moment, despite knowing that they would most likely ask a question like this. She already felt bad for lying and now the man still had his suspicions. 

He clearly had a good point in doubting her though.

Hua Zhao stepped in at the moment, "I've already been to her house, there's no Hidden Master or Celestial Being with great renown or power—if there was any, I would have challenged them already."

"Pfft, Hua Zhao is always so cute." Mou Gu's chuckle was the only sound within the room.

The others simply had their eyes on the young man. Quiet assessment and judgement, even Hua Zhao's words weren't taken for face-value.