First Landing

They all landed on the beach, their steps muffled as they stepped on the sand. Before them lay a lush and thick overgrowth of trees and verdue that hid any signs of human establishment. In the wake of the night, only the sound of cicadas could be heard as a cold wind swept around them.

Tiny goosebumps spread themselves all over Chan Lee's skin as she eyed the vast land before them. Somewhere in the darkness of this forest, Mei and Xiaobo were currently being held hostage. And now they would be attempting to save them.

She tried not to ignore the way a shudder ran down her spine.

The three men with her had all received their earpieces for communication devices and then before anybody could say anything else—Hua Zhao was gone.

A glint of a blade curved across his path as trees were quickly felled down. Until the man was finally out of sight.