Into The Dark Forest

She should be happy and relieved that they've already found the base—it hadn't even taken that long, but something bothered her. Chan Lee clutched her hands together as she looked at the man in charge. "How's Hua Zhao, Mou Gu? Is he not replying still? Has he met up with Song now?" 

"Er, not yet but the guy does that—it's annoying." Mou Gu frowned, before looking at Han Jing. "Do you have any weapons? I don't think Hua Zhao really tried helping you out, right?"

Han Jing scratched the back of his head. "Well…"

Chan Lee watched Mou Gu pull something out of his ring and tossed a spare wooden staff at her neighbor. "It's reinforced so it can at least get a good hit. Once Song and Zhao deal with most of the attackers, that's when we'll start heading towards the base."

"Hah, melee fighting." Her neighbor swung it out for a test.