Hope of Morning

One could hear the alarm underneath the pillow. And someone sleepily reaching for it as a yawn escaped her lips. It was a new day, a fresh start—warm golden sunlight poured into the room from her window.

It was going to be a good day.

After the darkness of yesterday encapsulated into a haunted night, one can look forward to the promise of tomorrow.

And that was today.

Chan Lee woke up in a more optimistic mood. And she for one wasn't going to waste it, she stretched her arms for a bit and got up to head over to the bathroom. She approached the sink and washed her face to throw away the sleepiness in her eyes.

When she looked up at the mirror, she blinked at the sight of swollen and puffy eyes. "I probably watched too much last night." She muttered and gingerly pressed the bruise on her left cheek, fighting back the wince. "I really look like I've been punched."

A soft sigh escaped her lips.

Shower. Dress up and makeup.