The Aftermath

If he truly didn't understand anything then Liu Guiren would refute her or laugh at such words. Instead, his answer simply confused her. "Will you just say yes or no?" She needed to know if she could trust him.

"Then I'd say no, I'm not in fault for what happened to your friends. Please do remember that Xiaobo is my friend as well as yours, I wouldn't want him harmed as much as you." Liu Guiren sighed and placed down his tea cup.

She froze. Why didn't she think of that?

"Could you percgance tell me if this is what Hua Zhao told you, did he pin the blame on me or something?"

Chan Lee paused before shaking her head, "He didn't name names—" She paused. He immediately guessed that she had approached Hua Zhao for this. And yet he never confirmed it himself. "But why would he even be involve in this matter?"

Liu Guiren gave her a look.