The Complexity of Dissonant Minds

When she and Gen walked into their classroom, they separated ways. He approached Suyin and Mei who although the first one gave a glare, the other was non hostile or rather didn't even seem to mind Gen.

Chan Lee glanced unsurely at them before making her way to her chair. She was content alone and without anybody to disturb her, no chattering seatmate to ask what the lessons were, no distractions at all—just studying.




The concepts all flitted around her, somewhat in her grasp as she followed along their professor's lessons.




Chan Lee shook her head and tried to pay attention once more. A class was no more than an hour of careful paying attention to someone talking—she should at least manage that.

The discussion continued, theories and their practicality, how the lessons are to be used in real life situations. Not a lot of things but they were useful.