The First Mishap

Mou Gu chuckled alongside goodnaturedly at Han Jing's words, "Is that a way to kindly ask me to leave? I sadly have to go to the kitchen to prepare dinner now, don't I?"

"Well, don't forget to take our orders first too." Her neighbor replied.

Mou Gu produced a menu from his counter and gave one to the two of them, "Do you have anything in particular you guys want to eat? I think I'm also willing to prepare off-menu items."

"Then why did you even bother giving a menu? Get me a bloody steak." Han Jing chortled beside her as he placed the menu on the table. "Or something fancy."

"I do hope that's within your price range, friend." Mou Gu picked up the menu and tucked it underneath his arm as he nodded at her, "It wouldn't be very nice if you let a lady pick up the tab."