Circle The Drain

Chan Lee bit back a curse and held her face down, it wouldn't do her any good if Han Jing discovered the bruise along with the others. Ning Bi also happened to be with them. She reached for her bag and stood up, "Where's the bathroom?" But even though Han Jing didn't answer immediately, she moved towards the kitchen.

Amidst that, she tried to keep her face away from the other people in the diner.

She reached for the door knob but was beat to it by the chef, Mou Gu was at the door holding a tray filled with some desserts. "Oh did you need something? I got complimentary desserts." His voice was cheerful and she knew that he must have been smiling.

Chan Lee lowered her gaze further to his shoes and squeezed through the small gap, trying to not knock the tray off with her elbow, "Lemme borrow this place for a moment please, thank you." 

It was all she said before shutting the door behind him.