Dreaming Quietly of The Unknown

Her breath hitched slightly as she gazed at the spirit before her, even in the darkness there was an ethereal glow around them as his blue eyes bore down on her. His face was as impassive as when he had fallen from the skies and arrived on her rooftop. It made her heart pound and her hands to feel cold. What was the terrible truth she'd soon hear escape his lips?

"You do look like her, exactly like her—but you're clearly not her, Miss Chan Lee. And it was those aspects of you that were different from Chang'e that had made me fall for you."

...It didn't sound so bad when he said it but he still hadn't confirmed something. Perhaps she would have been swayed with such words before and feel the tightness in her chest be lifted up. And yet she was learning how to look past the angelic aura that made her easily trust and find confidence in his words, because there was truly something more to him that she didn't notice at first.