End of the Past and the New Beginning - Part 1

Do you know those stories where the main character goes into an antiquity store and ends up buying some weird object from a suspicious old guy? Just so that said object transports him to a completely different place without any warnings? Because that's what just happened to me.

Now most human beings would freak out if something like this happened to them, after all, people tend to fear the unknown. It's great that I'm not in that category. I have been seeing weird stuff for the past twenty years since I was fourteen years old. It's difficult not to when you dream of fights with humans doing impossible things and never forgets.

So no, I'm not freaking out however I must say that being teleported to what looks like a King's palace and surrounded by blue giants with smoke for legs goes for sure to the top of the list. And while I'm having this inner monologue said blue giants have been staring at me for the past five minutes, like I'm some exotic specie in danger of extinction. I also must confess that even though it appears I'm quite calm, the truth is that I'm restraining myself from the burst in excitement. One thing you must know about me is that I'm a huge bookworm, especially when it concerns the occult side of the world, so the current situation for me is like a dream come true.

It was when I started to think that silence would reign forever that one of the blue giants, the one with what appears to be a third eye on his forehead and a very friendly smile, spoke.

"Welcome back, my King!"

Of course, when someone says something like that there's only one reasonable response. "Huh?"

I must be making the most stupid face ever 'cause in that same moment, every giant on room started laughing. What? A blue giant calls me his Kings and you want me to have an intelligent comeback? Give me a break.

"Yes, it's definitely him! Only the reincarnation of Solomon could make such a face." I looked to my right to face the one who said that, a man with a crooked nose, long mustache and beard with a beer belly.

However let's go back to the information we just received. This entity just called me the reincarnation of Solomon. Now, I don't know about you guys but there is only one Solomon that I know about that would make sense in this situation which doesn't help at all 'cause I can't see how in the seven circles of hell I could be King Solomon, the wise man recognized by God.

"I'm sorry but you must have mistaken me with someone else." Really, who would believe that? "I can't be King Solomon, I think I would know if I had been granted wisdom by God."

"Maybe, maybe not but we know that you're his reincarnation." This time it was a very, and I must emphasize that very beautiful woman if what appeared to be pink crystal falling from the side of her head, that answered me. " That object, the one you bought, is called a Soul Crystal. Inside of it rests the key to unlock the memories from your past life and only you, my King, could make the crystal react the way it did. Had you been any other human, it would just look like a pretty rock."

"I see…"

What else could I say after that explanation? If what they say is true, and really what reason could they have to lie to me, then I really am or was Solomon. However that begs the question, what now?

"So, what do I do? And who are all of you?" I needed to know, to much happened in very little time and not having all the answers, no matter how exciting this situation may be, is starting to drive me crazy.

"All your answers await you in that crystal, my King." Said another giant, this one with huge wings that you would see on dragons if such creatures existed. Blue scales covered most of his arms and two horns grew from his forehead. "Your Majesty only needs to touch the crystal in front of you and the answers you shall have."

It was only now that I'm not overwhelmed by these giants' presence and the situation I'm in that I can truly appreciate how beautiful the place I find myself in is. Right in front of me a multicolored ball floats while beyond the blue giants I can see pillars glistening in gold with images depicting symbols that I have no knowledge of. Rows and rows of stances filled with books surround seemly endless.

If not for what I have to do now, I would be jumping around happily trying to read every book here, for this must be paradise.

"Very well, let's do this."

And with that I thrust my hands onto the ball and for the second time this day I find myself in another place.