End of the Past and the New Beginning - Part 2

"Hello, Damon, it's a pleasure to meet you."

That's the first thing I hear and also the first time someone has called my name the whole day. As I look around, the only thing I see is an infinity space of white and there, right in front of me, a kid with long blue hair tied in a ponytail with a somewhat tanned skin looks right back to me. The kid, for he doesn't' look older the seventeen, wears something that looks straight out of a Disney movie. White garb and pants with what it looks like a red scarf dropping from his shoulder to his hips.

Solomon is not what I was expecting, for who else could he be? The only thing that shows he's different is the red tattoo in the shape of an eye on his forehead and the golden half-moon ornament on his head. That and the gold staff, spear thing on his hand.

"You must be Solomon, right? So, how does this happened? Is it normal for people to have reincarnations? And what about-'"

"Calm down for a second, would you?" Solomon interrupts with an exasperated face. "If you let me speak, I will answer all your questions. It seems even my next life I'm still curious about everything."

"I'm sorry... but truly how can I not ask! So much happened, teleportation, blue giants, so many things that don't make any sense but that at the same type I hope is not just a weird dream!"

"I understand you, really I do." He laughs. " We're the same person even if with different experiences."

"Now to answers your questions. Yes, I am Solomon also known as the wise man and King of Magic. What you know about me from your studies is mostly true however I must correct you on something first. I'm not the Solomon from this world, you see, I'm the combination of the soul and memories of three different versions of me from three different worlds."

Let's pause here for a second, shall we? Now, up till this moment, I was thinking that nothing else could catch me off guard anymore, I mean the multiverse theory is already a thing so the finding of different realities even if surprising is not far fetched however finding out that you're the next life of three different versions of the same people? Yes, this is a whole other level of fucked up.

"I see you must be trying to comprehend how is this possible? I must say that the only thing that I have is a guess. I think that God from one of the worlds I came from, in an last miracle shall we say, tried to revive me but somehow ended pulling other versions of myself that were, on their own world, doing something that should not be possible at all at the same time and so we ended up as one entity."

"I'm confused, can you say that again?"

"Right, I wanted to ease you in but whatever. I know that you're a fan of the Nasuverse and that you at least heard of the Magi series, so the short explanation is that we're the Solomon from both those worlds and also the one from the fictional novel you know as Highschool DxD."

"What?! How is that even possible?! Those are just works of fiction! And how do you know that I like those?"

"You see, they're not. There's an infinite number of universes out there, Damon. Things that seem impossible or just fiction in your world actually exist out there and I know these things because I am you and you're me, I know everything about you and when we end up here you will have our memories too."

"Fine, so fiction universes exist. Okay, so I'm guessing here that the impossible things that you were doing involved the Holy Grail War and whatever happened in the Magi world, so when God pulled his stunt you all somehow ended up together, right? So what does that mean for me?"

"Exactly! The Grail you already have an idea of what happened but in the world of Magi I was betrayed by one of my followers' which started the end of my world. I couldn't save it so I created a new one and because of this enormous task, I died. As for my counterpart in the DxD universe, his story is pretty much the same as the one you know of this world with the only difference is that he was also a magician.

Now, what this means to you is that you have a choice. We can continue, you will receive all our memories but you will not be able to continue in this world. Since God was the one that enables this to happen, even if by accident, the moment you receive everything you will be pulled to the DxD world. Or you can choose to go back to somewhat normal life and forget this happened at all. It's your choice."

As if there's any other option besides accept this. What do I have in the life that would ground me here? Nothing. I'm just an engineer with barely any friend and the only relatives still alive that I have are not close to me. So between my boring life and the opportunity to travel to a different world of magic where devils, angels, and gods exist was there any question to what would I choose?

"Let's do it."