Power Level - DxD verse

So, I came up with a power level and I would like your opinion, let's go!

First of all, I was thinking about how can someone know when they jumped to another level. Do they need to fight someone on that next level to see where they're? It seems that to devils it's like that because Angels and Fallen Angels have their wings to show their power.

So at some point in the future, I will be introducing some kind o device that measures where you are of the scale.

Now, back to the power levels, every one of them is divided into three subsections and every next subsection and big section stronger by two, like this:

Low-End -> Mid-End -> High-End

1) Low-Class Devils, Angels (2-4), and Fallen Angles(2-4)

2) Mid-Class Devils, Angels(4-6), Fallen Angels(4-6) and Low-Class Dragons (2x)

3) High-Class Devils, Angels(6-8), Fallen Angels(6-8) and High-Class Dragons (4x)

4) Ultimate-Class Devils, Angels(8-10), Fallen Angels(8-10), Minor Gods and Issei's Cardinal Crimson Promotion (8x)

5) Dragon Kings, Devil Kings, Seraphs(12 Winged Angels and Fallen Angels), Average Gods (16x)

6) Chief Gods, Evil Dragons, Super Devils, Golden-Winged Angels (Michael) and Purple Gold-Winged Fallen Angels (Azazel) (32x)

7) Heavenly Dragons, Typhom - Father of Monsters, Garuda and other Mythical Monsters (64x)

8) Great Red, Ophis, and Trihexa (It doesn't even matter anymore)

Now, when I say, for example, Mid-Class (2x) I mean they are two times stronger than any normal Low-Class entity. The same way that a High-Class being in four times stronger than any normal Mid-Class (Not counting Sacred Gears in use, since their function is to boost your power in some way.

Now, about Azazel being so up there. I'm going on the thought that he has all the power but the centuries of doing nothing, just goofing around and researching made him rusty. As for Katerea Leviathan cutting his arm off, we all know the guy let her do it because he wanted a cool arm that does everything possible.

Now, for those wondering if I don't make the Heavenly Dragons too op. No, I didn't. Issei and Vali will never be able to use the full night of Albion and DDraig since (even in JD) because their bodies wouldn't be able to handle it. Yes, in JD (the complete version while maintaining their sanity) they come really close but even that would only put them on the same leagues as Super Devils, just a little stronger.

So, what do y'all think? If you have any recommendations, y'all know the drill.

See yah!!