Strength (STG)
Endurance (END)
Agility (AGT)
Mana (MP)
Lucky (LCK)
*Having high levels of mana doesn't make you stronger, mana and demonic power are different things.
* The character class rank is determined by how efficient you are in a battle with your current skills and parameters.
Damon (Choose the Surname)
Titles: Solomon's Reincarnation
Class: Low-End Ultimate-Class
MP: A++
LCK: A++
Territory Creation (A+): Originally an A rank skill, it was upgraded due to Magiverse Solomon creating an entire world. Inside his territory all of Damon's parameters are enhanced.
High-Speed Incantation (B+): Originally a C rank skill, it was upgraded thanks to the knowledge and experience of all three Solomon. So long as a spell doesn't exceed B rank, all incantation is forgone.
Item Creation (C+): Creation of tools holding enchantments or other powers given by magic. Originally a C rank skill that got slightly better thanks to Damon's work on imitating Noble Phantasms.
Summoning (EX): Magic that evokes spiritual bodies of the past, or perhaps the future. With his Evocation ability, he can evoke the "72 Djinns". Even though the Throne of Heroes doesn't exist in DxDverse, being able to summon the spirit of heroes from the past or future still qualifies as an EX rank ability. However, the spirits summoned have a time limit on the physical plane for the Age of Gods never ended and the Gods of Death wouldn't like for the souls of the dead to be running around the living world. * The summoned Djinn will not have access to its full power unless they have a physical body in temporary inhabit.
Solomon's Rings (EX): The ten rings given by God. The mark of the king, progenitor of human Magic. In the case of all ten rings presents, all human magic is invalid and under Damon's authority.
Solomon's Wisdom (EX): The wisdom of MAGIverse's Solomon. In a difficult situation it will show the best path to follow. Because of the convergence of souls, the skills Clairvoyance (EX) and Revelation (B) became part of the skill 'Solomon's Wisdom'.
- Clairvoyance (EX): Eyesight of good quality. The apprehension of long-distance target and elevation of kinetic vision. When the rank is high enough, even x-ray vision or future prediction becomes possible. Solomon's Clairvoyance gives him an unobstructed view of the immediate future.
*Only one second into the future.
- Revelation (B): A Skill that hears of "the voice from the Heavens" and performs the most suitable of actions. While "Instinct" is the sixth sense for combat purposes, Revelation conforms to all matters in regards to achieving a goal (such as selecting the most suitable road for travel route). Solomon had only ever received one Revelation but based on that he had established the phenomena operation technique--that is, magecraft--that even an ordinary person could perform. (Until then, magecraft had been a work only for those related to the gods.) *Since God is dead on the DxDverse, there won't be any other Revelation and so this skill is useless.
Ars Paulina: The Time of Crowning has Come, He is the One who Begins All (A): It is Solomon's Reality Marble workshop that exists in the Dimensional Gap (originally it was outside of the universe and outside of time), located in the space between worlds. It is powered by Solomon's Magic Circuits. Death in this space does not "count" in reality, so it is possible to revive those who die in this space with enough magical energy. Inside this space, so long as one of Seventy-two spirits stays alive or Damon's mana remains, Damon and the Djinns cannot be killed.