General that inspire Fear - Nura Rihan, Part 2

It's been two days since Damon, Jeanne and Rihan's chat by the pound. In this time both Damon and Jeanne met the other youkais, were presented to Nurarihyon and were even allowed to participate in the Night Parade, seeing for themselves how it worked.

Damon on seeing how the Nura's gained strength from Fear was bugged with the question 'do Devil's gain power indulging in sins?' but discarded as unimportant.

Jeanne was loving every minute she spent with the youkais. For some reason, she especially liked Setsura, a Yuki Onna.

Damon and Rihan were exchanging stories about their life when an attendant burst through the door.

"Rihan-sama, urgent news! An Oni ayakashi appeared in Iwahashiyama!"

"Well, it seems duty calls. This one must be strong if they need my help," says Rihan getting up from his seat. "Hey, would you like to come with me Damon?"

"Sure, I want to see how youkais fight."


Rihan and Damon arrived at the scene of dozen of youkai fighting a seven-meter tall, red-colored Oni with horns out of his head waving a giant club around. Those nearby would be sent flying by the wind generated by each swing and if you were unlucky enough to get hit were made into a paste.

Even if you far away, the Oni would all types of fire spell and considering they were in a forest that wasn't a good combination.

"Hm, this is bad. That Oni is at the Ultimate Class," begins Rihan, before continuing. "I can fight it long enough to let the others escape but I don't think I can win against him."

"I will help you, now let's go before anyone else gets killed."

The moment Damon finished his sentence, ten magic circles bloomed around him, raining mana bullets making the Oni cry in distress. The spell did little more than just opening a few cuts on the monster but its intention wasn't to kill it but to give time for the combatant's retreat.

The moment the area vacated, Damon stopped his spell while Rihan ran sword in hands. He had to evade an arm swing in his direction before launching a slash toward the Oni's leg.

Rihan opened distance just as a magic circle came into view immobilizing the ayakashi with golden chains while training his energy.

"Now, Rihan!" Yelled Damon.

In a split second, Rihan closed the distance between him and the Oni. With his katana giving a dark purple glow the thrusts its blade on the ayakashi heart. Rihan sheaths his sword and walks back while the Oni fell silent after screaming in pain.

"Who would have thought we would kill him so easily?" Laughed Rihan.

"True, I expected more from an Ult-" Damon stops when his Clairvoyance shows him a cannon-like magic blast coming in their direction.

"The Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens: Rho Aias!"

Damon calls, forming a seven-layered shield in the form of a flower, just in time for the attack to hit them. While not as powerful as the Noble Phantasm, the spell created by Demon is still good enough to get hit with the full power of a High-Class devil with no problems.

However, he was surprised that three layers were destroyed before the attack was exhausted.

"We have company..." says Damon. 'And it's a powerful one if it broke through Rho Aias.'

From between the trees, a pack of five black-furred wolfs came out with the biggest ass tall as a car. That one was the alpha.

"Black-Wind Wolfs. They're incredibly fast and their claws can't cut rocks. But something feels wrong about the alpha..." Rihan explains, his carefree expression gone and replaced by a serious one.

"Demonic Power, that's what's different. I felt it in the last attack and that's not the only problem. The wolf also is on the Ultimate-Class and stronger than the Oni." One Damon finishes speaking, he hears something from behind.

Turning around Damon sees the once thought dead Oni getting up to its feet the same minute that the ayakashi roars, dark miasma surround his body.

"And it seems our dead ayakashi can also use Demonic Power for some reason," replies a sarcastic Rihan.

'This is bad... I'm still not quite at the Ultimate-Class and Rihan is only at the Mid-End of the High-Class,' Damon thinks while trying to come up with plans to deal with the situation. 'The best solution would be calling for reinforcements but that would take time since I can't teleport directly inside the Nura's state. I was going to as Rihan later but it seems we don't have much choice right now.'

No one in the clearing moved a singles muscle. Taking advantage of the situation, Damons creates a temporary bounded field around Rihan and himself.

"This is only temporary, we have thirty seconds in the physical world before the shield collapse."

"The physical world?" Asks a confused Rihan.

"Yes, the physical world." Replies Damon before grabbing Rihan by the shoulder.