General the inspire Fear - Nura Rihan, Part 3

Rihan opened his eyes. His black swayed as he turned around only to be met with the sight of white. Everywhere. There was no visible floor but still, could he feel it beneath his feet, no source of light but he could still see, no air but he could breathe.

"Where are we ?" He asks disorientated.

"Well, this is the Astral Plane, it's the nowhere between the Physical and Spiritual World. I would explain to you but even here we don't have enough time.

Rihan, before I offer you this power there are some things you should know. What do you know of King Solomon?"

Rihan was about to retort that they didn't have time to waste on history lessons but stopped himself when he looked at Damon.

"Well, not a lot. I only know that he was once called the Wise King."

"Yes, that's true. But he was also known as King of Magic, for he was the one that gave magic to humanity. Most people think it was Merlin but he only created the system used by the Magician Association.

Now, the reason I'm telling you this is that two centuries ago, more or less, God tried to reincarnate Solomon. His attempt didn't go as expected but in the end it worked. That's who I'm, Rihan. I'm Damon Morders, the reincarnation of Solomon, the Wise King recognized by God."

For a second, Rihan was rendered speechless not only by what he had just heard but also because he could swear he also another man standing beside Damon, a man with tanned skin, silver-white hair that went down to his waist and an aura that screamed nobility. Then he blinked and everything went back to normal.

"That's... Well, should I go down on one knee, Your Majesty?" Says Rihan with a serious face but the mirth in his eyes ruined the look.

Damon chuckled at that, relieved that his new friend didn't seem to faze by the information.

"No need," Damon continues. "Now, in my past life, I made a contract with the seventy-two demons that now are more spirits than anything else. They now reside in my Palace and can choose a master to serve, giving their vessels great power. That's what I would like to give you, Rihan. You will need to get their approval but I know you will be able to do it.

However, you should know this, if you choose to receive a Djinn as your partner you will have to come with me. The spirits may be in a contract with you but in the end they answer to me. If you choose to follow me, you have my word that I won't force you to do anything against your will and you don't need to be with me all the time. Just be there when I need you to be."

"And what are you gathering followers for?"

"I want to create my own faction, separated from Angels, Fallen and Devils. There was a reason why God wanted me back here. As I said, there were some complications that I can tell you another time but not now. Just know that there are powerful enemies coming in the future and I will need powerful people by my side when the time comes."

For a moment Rihan fell silent, contemplating what Damon just said. It didn't take long for him to reach a decision.

"I accept," Rihan says, before continuing. "I have this feeling that following you would be fun. Besides, it's better to be in the front lines trying to protect the things precious to you then at home wondering if things are going right."

"Well said!" A booming voice interrupts. A flash of light and from it a blue giant came off. He had long, snake-like hair. A third eye on his forehead, the giant wore little but golden accessories like necklaces and other ornaments on his forearms. "I'm Astaroth, fire Djinn of Terror and Meditation. I acknowledge you as my king."

With that, Astaroth disappeared while the gourd in Rihan's wait lit up on flames before dying out, leaving only a magic circle carved on it.

"Cool..." Rihan comments looking at his gourd in awe.

"It's really cool but now I need to talk with my reincarnation," A different voice interrupts this time. "Off you go."

With that Rihan disappeared and as Damon turned around he again saw something unexpected.

"Hello, Damon," Said Solomon, standing there with a serious expression. "We need to talk."