"Yes, now we don't have time so I will make matters simple for you. Stop denying who you are," said Solomon. "Don't! You know what I'm talking about. You acknowledge that you're my reincarnation but refuse to accept everything that comes with it. The knowledge, the power and the tools, you used that too well but refuses the responsibility, running away from the title of king."
"I do not run away! What would I be king of?!" Damon yells, angry at being essentially called a coward.
"You know already, Damon, you just refuse to recognize it. The Djinns, no matter if you see them as such or not, are your servants. Jeanne your Queen and Nura Rihan a vassal. You may not see it like that but they are or will be loyal to you.
Already you're building your kingdom, knowingly or not. The Faction that you are creating will have a leader and that will be you. I know your fears, of not measuring up to me, your past life. Your fear of making the wrong decisions, of not being ready. However Damon, no one is truly ready for anything. We just make the best of what we can do."
"How can you say that?" Damon interrupts, not accepting or refusing what it's being said. "You, who are known as the Wise King. How can you say that?"
"It's true. You may have subconsciously suppressed yours, my memories of things unimportant to you of the present but I did committed mistakes, Damon. Being wise is always being correct but making sure you don't make the same mistake twice.
You need to accept that you are and will always be a leader, a king, Damon. You don't need to accept people calling you a king or any such things. But you need to accept the responsibilities, the burdens that come with it. Besides, you don't need to measure up to us, just make sure you don't let yourself down and that will be enough. Only then will you have all your abilities unlocked."
Damon didn't say anything to that, he knew everything Solomon said was true. He was afraid of not being up to his past life achievements, of not making the right decisions, of not being ready for the thing he knew would come to happen. It was a justifiable fear but a silly one nonetheless.
"Very well, it seems I have been afraid for nothing," laughs Damon. "As you said I don't feel ready and maybe I never will but I will make sure to give my best."
"That's the only thing you should do."
With that, both of them disappeared in a flash of light.
Back in the physical world, twenty seconds had passed. Rihan and Damon opened their eyes, ready to finish the battle.
"What happened? I was there with you and the next moment I was alone."
"Another time, let's finish this first."
Damon knew now, being afraid is not and thing but letting those fear rule you are. So, he stopped running. His mana became visible around him, growing from his feet enveloping his whole body like flames. His clothes changed, no longer was he dressing like a copy of Solomon, now he wore a black tuxedo with a red overcoat. In his fingers, ten rings became visible, on his right hand a silver-colored spear taller than himself manifest, intricate golden runes carved in along its shaft. His hair, no longer blue but white, fell to his sides in cascades, his amber eyes now held something different, aa type of confidence and pride that few possessed. In his forehead a small magic circle with two small square overlappings appeared, the symbol of Solomon's Wisdom.
Rihan felt the difference, his friend aura no longer felt the same. Now, it had an element of command, respect and confidence in it.
'I made the right decision,' thought Rihan. 'Let's see what we can do together, partner.'
"O'Spirit of Terror and Meditation, dwell in my body and turn me into a demon! Astaroth!"
Rihan felt it, the surge of power the ran through his body. His hair changed from silk black to snake-like dark orange, remind him of flames. The black kimono he wore became fitter, almost armor-like as it changed to orange scales in his arms and torso while it became pants on his lower half, contouring his muscle. Astaroth's golden necklace and arm ornaments also appeared in their respective places. A black open skirt tied around his waist went down to his knees.
His gourd also changed to metallic black, with white phantasmagorical flames surrounded then opening while the sword in his hand gained line of runes on its blade.
"Nice," said Rihan, admiring his look. "Let's do this."