Solomon's Wisdom, Part 2

Damon didn't notice during the battle but he had finally entered the realm of ultimate existence. While Rihan deal with the Oni, he went against the wolves.

There was no pause, no hesitation is his attacks. Different from the original Solomon, Damon wasn't only raining spell on his enemies. He moved around, flashing from one place to another, his spear, that also served as a staff, moved in a deadly dance.

The wolves ran, dodging the spells and tacking every opportunity to claw, bite or tackle their prey only to be met with the yellow sphere that stopped every one of their attacks. A Borg, a spell that activates itself whenever the user is in danger.

Damon was moving around, already having killed two of the wolves, trying to find a way to finish the alpha. It was one minute in the fight that he saw his opportunity, a clear path of vision towards his opponent. Stopping ten meters away from the Alpha, he points his spear towards the wolf and fires a white bullet of magical energy. It makes contact, exploding and devastating the nearby surrounding.

The rest of the wolves died but the alpha still stands strong. The bullet opened a large gash on its right side with smaller cuts along the wolf body however all of them were healing or regenerating, making it pointless.

'That was a quasi B-rank spell,' thought Damon. 'Whatever was done to him, it seems I will have to use stronger ones to deal with it.'

Damon moved before the wolf, dodging to the left the claw that one second later appeared where he was once standing. A wind blast threw the wolf five meters away before a dozen of magic circles shot small bolts of lighting, overlooking the alphas pain sensor and paralyzing his muscles for a second.

A second was all Damon needed.

"Agares, I ask of thee to empower my strike: Airtifae Al'arda.."

Earth Spike, a simple C-rank spell but when empowered by Agares gravity magic goes up to B plus rank. As the spikes pierce its skin, the alpha howls in pain. Infuriated, demonic power explodes from its frame, blowing the spikes apart and freeing itself from the paralyzing effect.

And as the wolf opens its mouth, razor-sharp teeth in a display, the wind gathered in a small ball in front of it before shooting towards Demon, destroying the ground on its path. The small ball hits, transforming in a dome of wind blades attacking Damon's borg.

Once the area clears once again, cuts could be seen on the earth and little cracks on Damon's defense. A small cut showed itself on his cheek before vanishing with healing magic.

One again both opponents disappeared from their place, beginning a game of cat and mouse. Damon throwing different spells that the wolf and the alpha retaliating with claws and wind blades. On everyplace they went, small craters formed. It continued like that until Damon stopped hitting the wolf's head with the bottom of his spear, before jumping away as magic circles came to life along the ground surrounding the wolf, chains wrapping themselves on the alpha's limbs.

While Damon was running around with the wolf, he set up mafic circles around the ground without the beast noticing and it paid off. Taking a stance, Damon took one step forward before appearing in front of the wolf thrusting his spear through the monster head.

Taking his weapon back and letting the chains disappear, Damon watched as the wolf slowly fell to the ground giving its last breath.

Looking to his left, Rihan comes into view out of the Djinn Equip, small cuts, and bruises of his body.

"So you finish it too, huh?"


Leaving Damon behind, Rihan ran straight to the Oni sword slash clashing with the monster cub. Just like Damon, Rihan also became more powerful going from the Low-End to the High-End of his class.

'Two minutes and thirty seconds, that's what I have,' thought Rihan.

Astaroth had told him that because it was his first time using the Full-Body Djinn Equip, his body wasn't used to it yet and that the time would increase with training.

The Oni and Rihan danced around each other, the monster with its powerful strength swung his cub and punched at every opportunity while Rihan paired, dodge and struck with superior speed.

Rihan wasn't gaining much from his ability to get stronger with Fear since the beast was a mindless one but even so his sword cutter through the Oni's hide.

Time passed like that, both opponents cutting or punching with Rihan using his Youjutsu to move around unnoticed at times.

At some point, Rihan appeared behind the Oni slashing downwards cutting off the ayakashi's left arm. Spinning around, he taps the gourd on his waist and from it, flames come out like a wave towards his opponent. The beast roared in pain, the smell of burning flesh filling the air. When the fire went off, the once red skin of the Oni now had patches of clack burned flesh.

'That was not enough...' Thought Rihan. 'I couldn't use before but perhaps with new strength, I could do it. It's night time after all.'

"Heed my call, those that feast in Fear! Hyakki Yagyō: Night Parade of a Hundred Demon."

A mist came spiraling from Rihan surround and from it shadows of different youkais came out. Dozens of them faced the monster before the attacks came down.

Ice, wind, fire, weapons, and fists all went towards the Oni. It cut, burned, froze or broke all at the same time. And in the end, came Rihan slashing his fire coated katana, beheading the Oni.

The Oni went down raising a cloud of smoke from the ground. Rihan walked away, the Djinn equip turning off.

"So you finish it too, huh?" Said Rihan when he catches up to Damon.

"Yes," answered Damon, a small smile appearing on his serious face. "Let's go back, Jeanne must be worried about me."