Devil's Civil War - Serafall Sitri

Two days passed and the refugees now had a shelter built. Every one of them had been healed by Jeanne, who now had besides Claire, a small gathering of children gathered around her.

As for Claire, the young thirteen-year-old teen, she only left Jeanne's side when she was training or sleeping. Not that Jeanne minded.

When the battle was over and Damon and Rihan came over to help Jeanne, the healed devils bowed in their direction, showing that gratitude and respect for the powerful people that came to help them.

Damon said there was no need for such formalities for he was not their lord. It didn't work, the only thing it accomplished was making them respect him even more.

It was on the third day that she showed up.

There in the middle of the day was Serafall Sitri happily talking to the refugees without a care in the world, besides her a group of armored soldiers looked at each other with exasperation.

She wore a form-fitting blue battle-dress with white stockings. On her head was a black-colored beret placed between her pigtail-styled hair.

As Damon walked to her he could hear the conversation.

"Really, and they healed everyone!?"

"Ahem," he said, clearing his throat to interrupt the continuation of the story.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Sitri," greeted Damon.

"The pleasure is mine," she said evenly. "I know from what they tell me that you are the leader od the group who saved them but I never got your name."

"I'm Damon Morders," answered Damon. "Perhaps we could take this conversation in a more private place with my companions."

"Please, lead the way."

The group walked in silence until the saw a group of children surrounding a blond woman, a red-haired girl practicing with a spear and a black-haired man lazily sitting up a tree branch, a cup of sake on his hands.

"Children, it seems I have to take care of important things right now," said Jeanne when she noticed the group approach. "We can continue to play later. Claire, please company them."

"Yes, teacher." "Yes, Aunt Jeanne."

Rihan jumped down from his branch just in time for the presentations.

"Jeanne, Rihan this is Serafall Sitri," said Damon. "Lady Sitri, this is my wife Jeanne and my friend Rihan."

"It's a pleasure to meet aloof you but I must ask what a group of humans is doing in the underworld, especially at this time," asked a serious Serafall.

"The answer is simple, Lady Sitri. We are here to help," Damon told the future Satan. "If your Anti-Satan Faction loses, those of the Satan Faction will restart the war against angels and fallen angels, and it will inevitably spill into the human world. That's not something I want to see."

"I see," said Serafall with a thoughtful expression. "I would appreciate any help but that's not a decision I can make alone. I would need something to show the other that you can help."

"I know and is for that I will tell you something," said Damon, his expression becoming dignified. "Tell your friends that Damon Morders, in the past known as the Wise King Solomon, Jeanne d'Arc, the Saint of Orleans and Nura Rihan, Lord of Pandemonium came to help in the war against the Satan Faction. As for proof of my identity..."

A shocked Serafall looked as a silver magic circle bloomed in front of her, the image of keys right in the center surrounded by seventy-two smaller circles, the Sitri's symbol along with them.

Silence reigned for some time before the Sitri's heir and her guards' shock driven wail filled the air.


Jeanne gave a small smile while Rihan started to outright laugh.

"Ah, I knew this would be fun."

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Hello guys, how are you? I'm exhausted, college really kicking my ass!

So, this chapter was just an introduction to the beginning of the civil war. Nothing really happens here but the next ones will be about, besides meeting the other future Santana, a lot of battles.

If you have any suggestions of what you might I want to see here, just tell ~ I may incorporate it.

Bye !!