It's been two days since Serafall's departure from the camp.
In this time Damon set a bounded field around the perimeter with Jeanne's help, so that anyone from the outside that wishes to harm someone inside would have a really nasty shock.
Right now he was observing Claire's training. Damon had thought the young girl would slack off or at least take breaks at some point but she didn't unless forced to. From the moment she was out of bed to when she went to sleep all she did was practice, from spear movements to magic. Considering she was a devil, and therefore could ignore the calculation part, all she needed was know what and how the magic worked and her limits were only her demonic power and imagination.
He was interrupted of his musing when Rihan started yelling.
"Damon, another group!" He yelled. "It's your turn."
'This is the third group in two days,' thought Damon.
As he flew out of the bounded field and into the tree lines, Damon saw the group. One high-class devil, ten mid-class, and a group of twenty-something prisoners.
'Should I go with the usual combo? Maybe I can use this opportunity to test my new spell.'
Damon flew back to the ground and contained all his mana so as to not alert his prey. He stopped behind a tree just beside the road and the moment his opponents were about to pass through him the tree's shadows extended first making contact with a guard that had his back to Damon than it pounced on the prisoners before having everyone in the group caught.
'Even if they are of lower training having this many people caught is still difficult,' though Damon.
Slowly he let go of the prisoners while making sure every opponent was paralyzed. Damon created this spell weeks prior when he tried, as a joke, to recreate powers he had read about in mangas or books back on his original world. After actually being able to summon Harry Potter's Fiendfire and he tried to make other and this was one. The Kageshibari no Jutsu or Shadow Bind Technique from Nara's Clan.
"Well, that was easy." Said Damon, coming out of the trees lines. "Come with me, we have a camp set with other refugees."
Damon knocked out the high-class devil and the guards before tying them up and walking back to the camp.
It was a few hours later that Serafall came again and this time she brought with her a companion. A tall man with dark-green hair, sharp expressions, and a serious face stood by her side. He wore green robes and walked with confidence while looking around the camp.
"Damon! Look, I came back and I brought Ajuka with me!" Exclaimed a very energetic Serafall.
"I see, it's a pleasure to meet you LordAstaroth." greeted Damon. "My name is Damon Morders. I will be right back with you in a moment, I just need to settle down the new refugees."
"The pleasure is mine Lord Morders. We will wait for you here." Was Ajuka answer.
Damon set the refugees down and five minutes later he, Ajuka, Serafall, Jeanne, and Rihan discussing what their help would mean. Ajuka asked politely the proof that Damon was indeed Solomon and seemed convinced when he saw the magic circle.
"Very well, we of the Anti-Satan Faction are glad to accept your offer of help," Ajuka said, his serious morphing into a more relaxed one. "Now, if it's not too impolite to ask, how strong are all of you? Serafall told me you took care of tree high-class devils and a group of mid-class ones but a concrete estimate would help us better so that can account for your strength in battle."
"Why don't we have a spar?" Rihan, now paying full attention, asked.
"That's not a bad idea," said Jeanne. "So who is going to fight who.
"I want to spar with you, Jeanne!" Serafall exclaimed. "I heard that you healed everyone in the camp so I want to see how strong a Saint would be."
"P-please, I'm no Saint..." Jeanne answered with a mild blush. "I will be happy to spar with you, Serafall."
"And I would like to spar with you, Ajuka," said Rihan. "I'm not at the ultimate-class yet but there's someone who wants to see how strong you are."
'Astaroth must want to see how his 'descendant' is,' thought Damon.
Ajuka just assumed that it was Damon who wanted to see how strong he is, so he accepted.
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Hello guys, how are you? Did quarantine already drive you insane?
Who do you think is going to win these spars ??
Tell me in the comments!!