Ch. 53 Thank you's & goodbyes

I landed on the ground infront of the beast. A huge symbol of Shadow glowed from where the sword had been impaled. I could hear everyone begin cheer, I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I walked up to the beasts head placed mine against it's.

"I am sorry, but it is time for you to go 'home', Aveegoh." I said to the beast, no the spirit.

It opened it's eyes, all of the red was gone and what was left was pure Aveegoh. The spirit began to fade from the human realm. Once it was completely gone, I turned around. Zack, Anyira and everyone else stood before me.

"My people, we have brought this chaos to an end. There shall be no harm so long as this power is sealed." I began to get teary.

Everyone began clapping. We did it. Finally Mieryia can be put to rest, her spirit can finally rest freely. Mieryia, Izayia, Zephrith, they all had the same fate. What would become of me? I closed my eyes and breathed, it felt good to breathe in the fresh air. I clenched my hand around the sword, I looked down at it and it began to fade, and so did my clothes. 'OH SHOOT' thought covering myself with my wings and sitting down. I could feel everyone watching me. I shifted wings and could hear footsteps coming from behind me.

"Myira!" Zack called, in a laughing tone.

He ran over to me, took off his shirt and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said smiling.

I let my wings fold up and slipped the shirt on and stood up. The shirt was the perfect length to where it covered my butt completely. Zack walked with me back over to the tribes.

"Myira," Anyira began.

I looked at her blankly.

"We did it!!" she said grabbing me into a hug.

I hugged her back.

Once we let go of each other I looked around the crowd. Familiar faces appeared every where. One caught my eye, Rolland. He was walking towards us!

"Y-you! Could've killed us all!" he said pointing a finger and me.

I hit his hand away from my face, "But I didn't, and your lucky." I said in a teasing tone.

"I have never understood you Myira, you have always given me a weird vibe."

"You better watch who your saying that to." Anyira said suddenly in a joking tone.

"Anyira." I said laughing.

"What I am just stating the facts." she said laughing as well. Darbuse appeared from behind her. I looked at Rolland who backed up in fear and returned to his spot in the crowd.

Darbuse came to the front, so did mother and father.

"Lady Myira, we owe this to you." Darbuse said.

They all knelt and in unison said "Thank you."

"Guys I-"

Everyone infront of me began kneeling. "Thank you." they said again.

The words 'Thank you' rang in my head and memories flooded me. Memories of Mieryia. I smiled, 'You're forever with me, and I shall never forget you.' I said to my self.

I began to smile but that smile quickly faded, "I should be the one to thank all of you. Your brave efforts to stop the beast, your selflessness to protect the humans, and your loyalty. So, thank you." I said to them.

They arose from the ground and stood. "I believe it is time for you all to return home."

"What about you Myira?" mother asked me.

"I must stay here incase of danger, I hope you understand mother."

"Yes, I understand. In fact that is why I sent you here with the humans in the first place." she said walking up to me and wrapping me into a hug.

"Be safe."

"I will."

She let go of me and wiped her eyes of tears. "I love you, Myira."

"You too mom."

She turned and walked away. Anyira walked over to me.

"I geuss this is farewell huh?" she said in a sad tone.

"Not for forever."


I paused before hugging her. "Thank you Anyira, for being there for me, and fighting alongside me during this chaos."

"Your welcome, Lady Myira."

"Anyira." I said laughing and letting go of her.

"What?" she said laughing as well.

Darbuse walked past us to Zack who stood awkwardly behind me.

"What is your name, human?"

I could tell Zack was nervous, mostly because Darbuse towered over him. "Zack." he said in a gentle tone.

"Nice to meet you Zack, my name is Lord Darbuse, but I will allow you to call me Darbuse since you seem to be a friend of Lady Myira."

Zack looked at me with a very nervous expression. "See Zack, there are more like me." I said smiling.

He nodded and turned his attention back to Darbuse.

"Well, my tribe and I should be going so, I will see you later Zack."

"See you."

I was surprised that Zack talked to him.

I smiled at Zack, who seemed to be blushing, and turned around. Anyira, Zyan, and Kaidence stood before me.

"I must thank you again Lady Myira, without I have no clue where my tribe would be right now."

"I truly hope we meet again Lady Myira." Kaidence said nodding.

Zyan and Anyira looked at her blankly.

"You-" Zyan and Anyira said in unison.

"What? I can speak." Kaidence said laughing.

We all laughed. It felt good to laugh.

Darbuse, mother and father soon emerged before me and before long all of the cheifs stood before me, all except for one who couldn't be found.

"Where shall we go to fly home so we don't cause any more disturbance." Darbuse asked.

I looked around at the humans who seemed to move without worry.

"Followed me."

Before I moved I turned and grabbed Zack's hand and lead the tribes toward the beach.

Once the flock of celestials reached the beach their wings came open. Beautiful black, white and golden-white wings filled the shore. Off in the distance I could see the islands, they no longer looked sad.

I walked over to mother and father.

"I am going to miss you guys."

"Remember we can always talk through telepathy, or better yet you could come visit us."

"Yes, I will definitely do that."

Father took me into a hug, and mother joined him. "I am very proud to have you as my daughter Myira."

"Thank you."

They let go of me and began directing their tribe. I backed up and watched before someone took me into a heavy hug. I turned to see who it was, it was Anyira. She let go of me and wiped tears from her eyes.

"I am going to miss you." she said.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to."

"I know. But I must return home."

"I should too but I am worried about this place." 'Home' I began to think where was it? Do I even have one?

"Well, bye, and thank you, Myira, for everything."

"You are welcome, and hey, if you ever find yourself on the surface again please stop by to see me."

"Oh I definitely will." we began to laugh.

"Are you ready Anyira?" Zyan asked her.

"Yes. Bye Myira."

"Bye!" I said loudly, "I see you later, Anyira."