16. Leaving The World, The Loli Gods watch Anime.

'Hello!' - Thoughts, (Thinking, Inside a Character's Head.)

"Hello~" - Spoken, (Speech, What a character is saying.)

{(Character - Name) Pov} - Point of View, (How the character is viewing the world)

[Time-Skip, - (N) - (Y - Year, M - Month, D - Days, H - Hours.)

- Sound - (, )

[Sender -> Receiver: Hello] - Telepathic Communcation.

- Mind reading.

*Sigh* -> Doing something.

[Place - Origin and End's moon house] (A/N if you're wondering how humans haven't seen this house yet, it's because it's invisible and intangiable.)

[Time-Skip - 1 months and 27 days]

(Pov End Reality)

We just sat there watching through all the development humans have went. We don't get any fatigue anyway. It's just siting on Origin's laps when we both are wearing a princess dresss mathing our hair, she kept messing with my long hair, like making them a ponytail, making it a differnt style everytime she got bored, I also got bored a lot but I just sat through it...

Humans currently have everything in order. Their 'world government' thing is working out. The laws have been changed a bit. People with better and cooler powers have higher standing in society as of now.

The zombies aren't much of a problem for the humans anymore, they have killed most of the zombies that were infecting people. The army made by World Government is still there strong, the world govenrment now has funded for space development and technology development as many people with 1000 time the IQ of Einstein are emerging because of the powers. The humans might takeover the solar system in the next decade.

If you have a healing power you can automatically be a doctor, you need no experience in medical education at all. The world government is mostly made out of people who have strong powers as the most of the world's people suggested they needed strong leaders not weak leaders.

My old family has been doing a lot better. Their standing on society is really high, only second to the world government because of my old parent's powers. People don't no what kind of powers they have because of them hiding it really skillyfull, people think they control the weather or the elements.

Most older people have learned how to use their powers and they are training the younger generation. The crime rate has gone a little bit high, but police with super powers are still there, they are stopping many crimes. People with mind reading are basically lie detectors now.

Most people even with useless powers are actually being treated well, I guess they are not wuxia protagonists.

"I'm suprised they are even treating people who awakened useless powers well here. There is not many downsides except for the crime rate going up. Everyone is happy." I say to Origin.

"Yeah~ they should be able to survive the alien invasion now~" Origin answers.

"I guess they are smart enough now to save themselves, we can do what you want now~" I say to Origin who was messing with my hair.

"Oh finally~ Yay~ *Yawn*" Origin says cheerfully.

I get out of Origin's lap, Origin gets off the couch and she snaps her fingers as the house on the moon dissappears. Me and Origin then get teleported to the our bedroom in the Original Void.

[Place - Original Void, Origin and End's Big Bedroom]

"Let's have some fun~" Origin says playfully.

"Oh, we're probably going to be doing this for years, are you sure?" I ask, unsure.

"Yeah~ It's not like we can't jump time-lines and stuff~ And you said we would do anythig I want!" Origin answers with a pout.

"Fine~ Fine~" I answer.

I snap my fingers and all our clothing we had on, the stockings, the underwear, the bras, and the princess dresses disappear. We both are now naked. I go next to the bed and pull Origin into the bed. I lay her down and get in between her legs.

"I'm the one leading first this time~" I say playfully.

She nods, I just smile then I start by giving her a french kiss.

"Mhmmm~♡ Ennnd~♡"

"Mhm~♡ Origin~♡"

Mine and her breast touch as we're still kissing. I use my left hand to play with her hips. I use my right hand to play with her breasts.

"Ahhhh~♡" Origin moaned.

Our tongues still playing in Origin's mouth. We finish the kiss, a saliva trail forming connecting our tongues. My take my left hand and slowly massage her hard nipples.

I take my right hand and slowly and smoothly go to her p*ssy, and rub it slowly.

"AhhhhhHHhhHh~♡ EEnnD~♡"

I see that her p*ssy is wet enough so I put two fingers in it, fingering it.

"AhhhhHHHhH~~♡" "Ahh~♡" "AhhhhhhHHh~♡" Moans could be heard in the room.

I finger faster and faster, every time the moan gets louder and louder.

"AhhhhHHHhH~~♡" "AhHHHhHhHHH~♡" "AhhhHHhhhHHh~♡" "AHHhhhhHHHhH~~♡" "AHHHhhHHh~♡" "AhhhhhhHHhHh~♡"

She wraps her legs around my stomach and starts to suck on my erect nipple and rubbing my p*ssy with her free hand.

I moan, "ahhhhhh~♡"

She rubbing keeps getting rougher and rougher and my moans keep getting louder and louder.

"AhhhhHHHhH~~♡" "AhHHHhHhHHH~♡" "AhhhHHhhhHHh~♡" "AHHhhhhHHHhH~~♡" "AHHHhhHHh~♡" "AhhhhhhHHhHh~♡"

I stop fingering her and to see a really cute and soaked p*ssy, I take my left leg and put it over her right leg. Our p*ssies touch and I start to rub it against her p*ssy, scissoring like in those hentais I watched.

"AhhhhHHHhH~~♡" "AhHHHhHhHHH~♡" "AhhhHHhhhHHh~♡" "AHHhhhhHHHhH~~♡" "AHHHhhHHh~♡" "AhhhhhhHHhHh~♡"

"AhhhhHHHhH~~♡" "AhHHHhHhHHH~♡" "AhhhHHhhhHHh~♡" "AHHhhhhHHHhH~~♡" "AHHHhhHHh~♡" "AhhhhhhHHhHh~♡"

She moaned, I moaned. We both climaxed the same time. We kept going.

[Time-Skip - 934 years]

"Ahhhh~♡ o-or-i-gen le-t's ahH~~♡ s-st-op a-fte-r t-his c-lim-ax fo-r n-ow ahh~~♡" I say.

"ahh~~♡ s-su-re." Origin replied.

We both stop as we climaxed for the billionth time.

"Ahh~ That was relaxing~ We did it for almost a thousand years~ Let's get to a thousand next time." Said Origin as she just got up like nothing had ever happened for almost a thousand years.

"Sure... I'd love to do it with my wife, whenever she wants~" I say playfully.

She blushed a little and said, "Me too, dear~"


She snaps and everything beside us is cleaned up and we teleport to the bathroom, we get cleaned up, and teleport back to the bedroom, naked.


"We should visit anime worlds!" I suggest to Origin.

"Sure, which?" Origin asks.

"Let's watch all the animes and read every novel and mangas then you can decide" I answer.

"Okay!" Origin was happy as she could choose.

I summon a tv in the bedroom as we both lay down on the bed and watch all the anime and read all the mangas or novels we could that didn't include hentai, or anything r-18 beside Yuri.


[Time-Skip - 1000 years]


We finally did it. We finished every anime, mangas and novels!

"We did it!" I cheer as I cuddle with Origin, naked.

"Finally!" She also cheers with a hidden smile and cuddles with me.

"So which world do you want to go?" I ask Origin.

(Pov Origin Reality)

Heheh. I learned a lot of techniques I could use on my beloved during s*x thanks to those animes and all. I'll make her feel even more pleasure and be the perfect wife for her!

"So which world do you want to go?" My beloved asks me.

"Let's go to ..." I say cheerfully, that world seemed fun.

(A/N sorry it was a mini-yuri thing I guess. Also they're visiting an anime world next chapter! Guess which?) (A/N this was the old me, creating chapters.)