17. Loli Gods go to MHA

'Hello!' - Thoughts, (Thinking, Inside a Character's Head.)

"Hello~" - Spoken, (Speech, What a character is saying.)

{(Character - Name) Pov} - Point of View, (How the character is viewing the world)

[Time-Skip, - (N) - (Y - Year, M - Month, D - Days, H - Hours.)

- Sound - (, )

[Sender -> Receiver: Hello] - Telepathic Communication.

- Mind reading.

*Sigh* -> Doing something.

[Place - Original Void, End and Origin's Big Bedroom]

(Pov End Reality)

"So which world do you want to go to?" I ask my wife, Origin.

"Let's go to My Hero Academia, that world seems very fun!" Origin replies with a happy smile.

"We will arrive outside the planet. Lemme first make us invisible from cameras." I say as I do some hand gestures and we're now invisible to cameras.

"Put on some clothing, I'll cross-dress because I don't want to be in public in girl's clothing, I'm sorry" I pleaded to Origin, hoping she would accept.

(Pov Origin Reality)

Hmm. Should I let her cross-dress? She looks really cute in girly clothing's though. But I don't want anyone going for her, after all she is only mine and I'm only hers.

Maybe I can get a free to do ticket with this. Hehehe. I'll do that.

(Pov End Reality)

Origin thought for a bit then said, "Fine~ I'll let you but you will have to do what I want next time~"

"Okay, my wife. I'll do what you want next time." I say to Origin, with a reluctant look.

(Pov Origin Reality)

Heheheh~ It worked!

(Pov End Reality)

[Time-Skip 5 minutes]

I then put on some underwear, a pant, a binding (A/N you know the things people use to hide their breasts? I mean End doesn't really need it since she is a loli, but ya'know just need to be extra careful), a simple shirt, and a leather jacket. I cut my hair, I can grow it back anytime I want anyway. Origin was a little reluctant to let me cut my hair but I said I could make it come back anytime and she finally agreed.

Origin had her hair loose, wore a simple dress, an underwear and a sized A cup bra. (A/N End was there while she was changing *wink*) (A/N They don't need to be clean, they are always clean, they take bathe just for fun.)

"Okay are you ready~" I ask Origin. She nods, seeing this I snap my fingers and we arrive outside of the a familiar planet called Earth. This is the Boku No Hero Universe.

"Woah, we arrived~ " said Origin.

[Place - Boku No Hero Universe, Time-line - Entrance exam.]

"The timeline currently is when the U.A Entrance Exam is about to happen. So what should I do as our background? I'll do some reality bending so we actually exist here." I ask Origin.

"Since you're cross-dressing and we look similar make it so we're twins, brother and sister. I'll be the older one, call me onee-chan from now on in the public. Make our family name really, really rich. Make sure there is only us in the family though. Make our quirks something like being able to manipulate anything. If that all for one guy comes for us we can just beat the sh*t out of him." Origin said with a smug.

"Okay 'Onee-chan' I'll do that" I sign and bend reality to make exactly like she said.

"So, 'little brother' wanna play inc*st~" Origin said with a little evil giggle.

"Maybe later~" I say with a me pinching her little nose.

"I'll call you little brother in the public okay honey~" said Origin while hand holding my hand.

"Sure, I'll call you 'onee-chan' in the public like you said, honey~ Tell me if any of those pests bother you, I will beat them!" I say to Origin holding her hand a little tighter. (A/N They're talking about lolicons.)

"Hehehe~ Do tell me if anyone also bothers you, I'll beat(hang) them up" said Origin with a maybe yandere smile?

"Okay! Let's go into the world now, we have been standing in space for a bit, we have a mansion near U.A, as you said, I made our family really rich. The name of the family is Reality, you are the heir, no parents. Our family symbol is the akatsuki cloud thing. We're also 15, I made it show that our quirks are the reason we look like kids. (lolis)" I say to Origin.

"Yeh, the U.A entrance is going to happen right in a bit, so let's do this~" Origin says with a little excited jump.

"Here wear this as well to represent our family~" I give Origin a akatsuki cloak as she wears one I also wear one.

"Heh, that's a cool idea. This cloak is super cool too!" Origin says.

"Okay~ here we go!" I snap my fingers and we arrive at the gate to the U.A High School.

"We should probably make it show they can see us from cameras now as the judges are going to judge from there." Origin whispers.

"Yeah you're right." I do a clap and we are now visible to cameras.

Some people were looking at us because of our appearance and our cloak. I made it so our family is known all around the world, the richest family.

"Hey isn't that white haired girl the heir of the Reality family, Origin? and the cute black haired boy(?) her little brother, End! They look literally the same just their eyes and hair are different colors!" RandomMob1.

"Yeah, I heard they are 15 and they look like that because of a side-effect from their quirk. They both are twins so of-course they look alike, the hair and eyes are probably because of their quirk as well." RandoMob2.

"Tssskk, the cute boy will hog all the girls." said RandomMob3.


Me and Origin ignore the random chatter and head to the auditorium, I sit next to a random girl that wasn't even shown on the anime. Origin sits next to me. Our cloak still on because it looked cool, most people recognized it as the family symbol of the Reality family so they didn't bother us, much.

I had made sure we had passed the written exam perfectly with my reality manipulation powers, so we don't have to worry about writing.

...everything went as the anime, Deku aka Izuku muttering, lida questioning, the teach explaing.

Origin and me both have the same test location B, same as Deku.


We arrive in-front of the gate of test location B. As I remembered the anime they said no countdown, I reminded Origin as we both rushed in the location.

"Wait aren't they cheating, the count-down hasn't started yet!" Yelled lida.

"There is no count-down in a real fight" said the the teacher and everyone rushed in beside Deku who was just there standing and muttering.

I used some lightning manipulation and kept beating all the robots I saw until all of them totalted up to 100. Origin did the same but used ice instead of lightning.


[Place - Judging U.A place.]

"Hey aren't those kids too young to be here?" said Judge1.

"No, I checked their records they are from the Reality family, they both are 15, the white haired girl is the big sister, and the girl looking cute boy is the younger brother. They both are twins, that's why they look similar. I thought you guys would have already guessed because of the cloak they are wearing, its the symbol of the Reality family" Said a woman with giant breasts.

"They have already got 100 points in under 5 minutes..." said Judge2.

"Haha~ their quirk is powerful but the side-effect is that they look like that even if they get older~" said the woman with giant breasts.

"What is their quirk?" asked Judge1.

"Their quirk gives them the ability to manipulate anything." said the woman with giant breasts.

"My poor robots..." said a rat or a polar bear with tears in his eyes? (A/N is Nezu is a rat?)


[Place - Entrance exam, testing location B, on top of a building]

We both had 100, we knew we're going to get 1st place so we just stayed on top of a building, I was laying on Origin's laps while she was ruffling with my now, short black hair.

"Heh, that was easy, right 'Onee-chan?'" I say to Origin.

"Truly, 'little brother.'" Origin replies with a gentle smile that screams 'Onee-chan'.


The judges were just starring at the two kids one giving the another their lap to lay on.

"Heh~ They are super confident on winning~ Most kids haven't even got to 50 yet." said the giant breast woman.

"I think they are going to win. They are just too strong like their family. They literally own the world." said Judge5.


"Young End and Young Origin will definitely be great heroes!" yelled a skinny man with yellow hair. (A/N thonk)


"Let's see how they handle this one..." Said the rat as the man pressed a red button. (A/N Idk who pressed the button. I'll just do that rat for now.)


(A/N Man, I had to re-watch some parts Boku no Hero again, I literally forgot the whole show except some parts.) (A/N oof.)