

"As I lay there I noticed a flashing light through the window, like the one's back home, the one's the came through my open curtains as I lay in my first floor apartment off the main road. Just car lights, I wrote them off as I turned away from the window and shut my eyes drifting to sleep. But those couldn't be car lights I realized. I was on my farm, the nearest road was over an acre away.

-Camera flashes-

That's what those lights were. Someone was standing outside my window, someone was standing there with a camera, photographing me laying her, and they were bold enough to use the flash. Did they think I was stupid? Well maybe I was. I did write it off originally. Wait, does this mean- back home? Were those really car lights?

Were those also camera flashes? Had this fucker been taking pictures of me for months? If those were really camera flashes they would've had to have been happening for at least 3 months when I first moved in, I'd never had a night with out them. Does this mean he's seen me changing?

Has he seen me naked? Has he seen me having sex? He's seen me in my most vulnerable moments, he has it all on camera.

I slowly turn my body towards the window, as another light flashes, another camera flash, then one more, then a break. Through the darkness I see absolutely nothing, just black out the window, he could be right in front of me staring at me. I close my eyes, and sure enough a few seconds later, there's another flash. Another photo. Right as the flash is ending I open my eyes, desperately searching for a shadow, a reflection, anything to explain this light. In the bottom corner, 2 feet from my window, popping up behind my rose bushes I see it, a man crouch holding a camera. Just a silhouette, but I know what I saw. The darkness takes over the window as I stand up as casually as I could without alerting the man I was on to him.

My legs were shaking as I threw them over the edge and my feet hit the floor. I tried my best to get up and walk calmly out of the room, but even I know I was walking faster than any normal person would to just get up and go to the bathroom. Maybe I really had to go to the bathroom. As soon as I was out of the room, I rushed through the hallway, the hallway had no windows- no cameras here right? I rushed to the end of the hall as my eyes started tearing up. Has he been watching me? I knocked rapidly on my sister's door. She'd know what to do. She could help. She groaned as she opened her door.

"What do you want? It's like midnight." As she looked up her face changed from annoyance to concern. "Are you okay? What's wrong? Come in- come in."

I rapidly shook my head as I looked at the window in her bedroom, I pulled her out of the room and shut her door. She started to head towards the living room but I sat down and pulled her with me. This was the only place with no windows.

I shakily tried to explain "There was a man- a camera- the windows" Before I could go further there was a loud slam. -The back door, someone was ramming against the back door."


A loud slam on my front door brought me back to reality, 5 minutes and 409 words in and I'd already lost touch with reality. The blinking line marking my spot in the story was mocking me as I got up from the desk, leaving my computer behind as I trudged across the living room.

"ELIZABETH IF YOU DO NOT ANSWER THIS DOOR IN ONE MINUTE" Accompanied another slam to the front door, I pulled open the door to reveal my agent. Alexandria, named after the famous library of Alexandria, only normal that she'd become the publicity agent for an author, she just unfortunately got stuck with me as her client. "Elizabeth, you are supposed to be ready when I arrive, not still in sweatpants!" She was not happy with my lazy appearance.

"A- not sweatpants, they're scrubs, I had a double shift, when I got home all I wanted to do was write, that's why I'm not ready."

"It doesn't matter Liz, you have to be at the venue in an hour, we'll have to do your hair and makeup in the car."

"But Alexxxx I never wear makeup, I don't wanna start now."

"Elizabeth, the makeup artist is already in the car, this is a live event, you'll be in full makeup"

Something was off, Alex never made me wear makeup to events, so this must be big. She thrust a garmet bag into my arms. "Go change Liz, and no complaints, we're already late."

I stumbled back slightly before turning to head to the back room. In the bag was a pale violet dress. It was far from my normal style. I was tight to the skin, with a modest neck line and long sleeve, but cut off a little above the knee. Even my formal style wasn't this formal, this night must be big. But what does she know that I don't? What is so big my normal formal fit of black jeans and a button up isn't good enough for? What is happening tonight?

"ELIZABETH HURRY UP!" I scurry from the room.

"You seem to have forgotten shoes." She stopped me from speaking further as she held up a pair of black strappy heels. She motioned for me to follow her into the darkening outside, the sun was just below the horizon and a red black had taken over the outside. On the way out I managed to grab my bag and lock my door before she pushed me into the limo and the makeup artist immediately began to quickly and aggressively apply a whole new face and Alex began to put the sandals on. Forcing me in various which ways to get me to comply with their choices.

An exhuasting 45 minute ride later, and the limo rolled to a stop. As I was grabbing my bag the driver open the door and smiled in blocking the outside, "You ready?"

I nodded, as he moved, the dark limo filled with light.