Go On And Ask

Russel didn't expect that the meaning behind Amber's words were literally just like that.

They returned to their normal routine where Amber would watch her while she works or she was suddenly pulled to eat at different restaurants.

The only difference to a while ago was that she changed place to where Amber stays. She inquired and did her research that she decided that the place was indeed a good place to go to.

There was no serious change in what they were doing, though she was fine with it, she was still trying to understand just what kind of person Amber Wood was.

No she is Amber Wright now.

"I'm amazed," she spoke up in one of their restaurant hopping event.

"About what?" Amber looked up from her food and asked.

"You just got married for two weeks and he already let you go. I thought he was the possessive type where he didn't want you out of his sight," Russel commented.