All They Have To Do Is To Listen

"We can leave if you want, there are more restaurants out there that we could try," Amber suggested as they sat down and Russel was still looking conflicted.

Russel slowly shook her head, "It is fine, you already reserved the table. Let's just eat shall we?"

Amber no longer said anything and checked the menu for what to order.

"Good day ladies, as a special event for this night where we have a live cooking. The dishes prepared by the chef's on stage, which are their signature dish, are to be given to the guests who have reservations, free."

A server approached them and said putting down two plates of spring carbonara in front of them and if Amber was not mistaken, this was the same dish that the woman whom Russel was staring was cooking.

"Thank you," she politely said before turning to the food in front of her.

She can feel how fidgety Russel was as she too stared at the dish in front of her.