But She Was Also Pianist

After Amber received the call from Ashton, she received another call for the shareholders meeting.

She knew this would happen, that when she gave Harvey the shares, those shares. Those people who didn't want him to go up will do something hideous in order to suppress him.

Well that is if their shares were bigger than him.

But that is the case for someone else, just who is the pianist?

Who was it that the police force of Celestial country were getting help from when it comes to systems?

With enough movement she had long found the copy of shares she gave David Carter and had someone from Ashton's side to get it.

She then created a few tweaks here and there before returning it to where they got it. Of course, getting it and returning it was not possible if it was not someone trained in the underworld.

That night, both she and Ashton visited Harvey's place. The one who opened the door was Russel who looked like she was worrying.