Why Did You Forget About Me?

It was around 4 in the morning when Amber finished what she was doing.

Not because she became slower but because of the vast amount of information she needed to find that it was difficult to get them instantly.

Though the moment she stopped typing she almost came face to face with the keyboard if not for Ashton's reflexes of stopping it, even Russel who had been watching from the moment she came in was already fast asleep on the chair.

The two men looked at each other and shrugged, they placed the two ladies on Russel's room and left quietly before returning to the study to see everything that Amber had accumulated.

"I really am amazed at how much she can get with her talent," Harvey commented.

"Though she was also doing her best to stay away from the radar of the main police force while doing this," Ashton shook his head as he replied.

"Indeed, she would really end up in trouble for having all of these."