No Proof Came Up

"Calm down Timothy, even if she was late. She is still part of the Empire, surely she would be guarded by our people," Clark speak up.

Nathalie wanted to roll her eyes after hearing this, 'Yeah right, you giving me guards, as if that was true.'

"Even so, grandfather have you forgotten about the other guards who are looking at her as if they wanted to eat her whole?" Timothy complained.

They do remember them, Timothy and Xander wanted those people to change post. And it so happens that among those, one were found dead after Nathalie threw knife at him.

It was three days after that incident when that man was found dead, every clue lead them to a past enemy of the guard.

Of course, they were skeptical and thinks that Nathalie was the one who did it and she was able to do it so fluidly especially so since she was the one who rescued her brothers from the kidnapping incident.