He Is Giving You Something To Do

Her days were spent inside the the study room, she barely stepped out of it when she entered, after coming out of it late in the night, she would go straight to her room and have an hour or so of speaking with Ashton in the phone she had received from him.

She actually threw herself to her brother Timothy when she found out that it was him who decided for her in this matter.

Xander was complaining that Timothy didn't even include him in his plan to which Nathalie pulled him into a group hug for the three of them making Samantha laugh at the childishness of her husband.

As she stayed inside the study room, servants would knock and bring refreshments or her meals. From time to time it would be regarding the cleaning making her laugh inwardly for it was obvious that they were still observing her.

They didn't want to believe in the security camera for they knew that she has someone with her that was capable in messing around with it.