Nekoshou and Awakening

--- Reincarnation Realm, Feline Domain ---

" My wish is Yamato a sword that can cut anything and Sacred Gear Divine Dividing that's all," Ren said as he continued staring at the ears of Iris.

"Then your wish is granted," she said with a smile as she opens the black hole, she beckons him to enter the black hole.

" Why black hole?" he asked her.

" This is Transmigration portal, because I think you don't want to go back being a baby again right?" Iris said as she continued.

" There is a body that compatible with your wishes."

" I see.. thanks for everything and see you again next time," Ren said as he floating towards the black hole, after that the black hole was enclosed to disappeared in the realm.

" I hope to see was not too soon," she muttered with looking at mini orb that floating around the realm.

--- Underworld, Naberius Secret Laboratory ---

-- Third Person POV ---

" Sigh too think the sole male of Nekoshou could not survive in this experiment even the two Mutated Rooks of Naberius-same cannot retrieved from his body..sigh what a waste." A man should be around in the twenties was carrying the boy who was around 12 years old without any sign on life force on the body. the boy was thrown through the place where the defective or corpse of there specimens.

" Luckily there were two Nekoshou was left huh." the said as he disappeared in the room, which is filled with many corpses of that pile like a mountain, but there were similarities of this corpse all of have a Cat Ears and Tails.

Yep all of them were a Nekoshou which was residing to the underworld, but one day their village was raided by the Devil Troops of Naberius and captured many Nekoshous as a perfect specimen to make an Army of Super Devil. Many defectives were dead because of the inhumane experimentation and for those defective that survive were you know their fate as a Nekoshou they have almost a perfect body figure that most men who like to have them as a Playthings to death.

-- Five minutes later --

- Ren POV -

" Arghh that's stinks where the hell is this." I look around I saw the source of the stinks, I saw many corpses of female a lot in this room. I saw many of them have an agony and despair could be seen on their face, some of them have a white liquid on their private part or some of have a whiplash on their bodies, the most of them have a same of characteristics of my favorite pet, The Cat Ears and Tails, I finally remembered where the world he is. I am currently transmigrated to the DXD world and these bodies were a Nekoshou a rare species of Nekomata, who was able to use the senjutsu as their breathing unlike the other Yokai's they need to train hard even to achieve a small success. I don't know why the rare Yokai like Nekoshou was living in Underworld not in the Kyoto where Yokai Faction Resides.

" Sigh I kill before I die, I will always do violence to the people who mistreating the cats, now I transmigrated in this world and kill again after my first awakening heh," I said as I stand up to find the door of the room.

" Now then time to see the previous owner's memories and assimilate it to my own."


Touru one of a rare born in Nekoshou Village it's not because of his talent but because of his gender. The majority of Nekoshou will automatically be born as a female, after his birth Kuroka was also born alongside him. Kuroka was born to be a genius be it senjutsu, touki, or youjutsu which is also his playmate and sparring partner in hand to hand combat.

-- A few years later --

Touru, Kuroka 10 years old and her little sister Shirone who was born three years after Kuroka born, three of them doing their daily training (Senjutsu, Touki, and Youjutsu) near in the village three of them could the suddenly felt in the air as something could make them a paralyzed. A sudden emergence of a large group of devil's as they started to raid the village, a very few villagers were resisting got a horrible death, even though the Nekoshou was a rare species minority of them was combatant while other was like enjoy the nature even the nature in this place are polluted due to environment of Underworld.


Many scientists was got two great specimens many trial and error which lead many Nekoshou to die to extinction. The two specimens were none other than Touru and Kuroka, they threat the two of them to join his peerage, Touru got two Mutated Rooks and Kuroka got one Mutated and Normal Bishops( I just search it in fandom about the evil pieces I just make one Mutated for Kuroka)


Two had face many inhumane experimentation they got injected many shady serum which is allowed them to squeeze out their potential to the max level. After two years, they endure the experimentation to the point they got numb to it, this time will inject a prototype serum which is their survival was close to 5 percent, which is the current predicament Touru was died after a few minutes because for Touru sleeping inside the Iron Maiden Box was much than better than the pain he was currently feeling.


- Third Person POV -

" Don't worry brother I will avenge your or our tribe because of this bitches they will taste the that than death that they want." Ren or so Touru started to assimilate the two memories into one, after a few seconds he raised his arm to the shoulder level.

" Yamato," he said as the katana with a black sheath and white handle could be seen floating in the front of him. he grabbed both handle and sheath on his two arms.

" Cool but once I materialized it in this world it cannot allow to dematerialize again huh," Touru said as he unsheathed the Yamato to show its whole glory, after that he focus his emotions which is Fury and Hatred.

[[ Vanishing Wings ]] A mechanical like wing materialized on his back, he looks at his back in few seconds before he interrupted by the voice coming to the wings

[ So you are my current host eh, It seems that totally squeeze out your potential to the point that you will surpass your predecessor or a previous host of this Sacred Gear.]

" My name is Touru. Touru Kamagiri a hybrid of Nekoshou and Human and also a reincarnated devil." Touru said as he introduced himself.

[ Hmm interesting I am Albion, the White Dragon Emperor, the Dragon of Supremacy.] Albion said.

" Albion help me to clean up some garbage," Touru said as slash down the door with Yamato.

[ Garbage.. hm ah I get it.] Albion replied with a bit chuckle.

" I don't want to show to Shirone this carnage so I will directly go to Kuroka," he said as he focuses his intent to his katana, after that swing his katana Horizontally and Vertically which is revealed the different room which not a hallway but the laboratory where Kuroka and him was being experimentalize.

[ What an interesting Sword what is that name?] Albion asked as he saw the ability to tear down the space that coming from the sword.

" It's Yamato," he said as he entered the torn space.

--- To be Continued ---