Naberius Powder and " Let's Play "

*Warning* it's a GORE

--- Underworld, Naberius Secret Laboratory ---

-- Third Person POV --

"It seems that has your limit we cannot squeeze out any potential from you." The man with a lab coat said to Kuroka who was tied in the stretcher which is surrounded by many equipment and many shady place neatly.

" We need to restart the operation." he looks at people beside him, while Kuroka was relieved that she thinks that Shirone will not face the inhumane experimentation.

" Since Kuroka was useless now why not her little sister I'm sure her potential was much larger than her older sister Naberius-same." the person beside the man in a lab coat.

*Break!!* Kuroka's mind was shattered after she heard those words.

" No... no no no don't touch my sister!!!!" Kuroka roared as her enormous Magic and large potent of chakra erupted inside her as she releases herself from being restraint. She plunges her right to the man in a lab coat, as she summons a dark flame revolving around her.

" Kasha!" the dark flames shoot through to the head of the man.

" Gyaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!" the man in the lab named 'Naberius I don't know' was grabbing his own head due to absurd situation, he cannot know what to do.

" You bitch!!!!"" How dare you to Naberius-sama!!!!" Many of his servants and Scientist was rushing towards her.

" Hey hey don't ignore me, not so fast" a voice could be heard behind them, they tried to turn around but it's already too fast.

* Slash!!!!* " Akkgghh!!!" " I can't move my body!!!" " What did you do to us!!!!" " Who are you!!!!"

All of them except Kuroka cannot move their body, the source of the voice has shown its figure which is cause for Kuroka to tremble as she saw her childhood friend who was her relying on. as they both endured the pain to become a guinea pig of their experimentation, according to them that Touru did not survive in the last session on Prototype Serum. Which is cause her to mental break down but still resolve herself to avoid her little sister to become a guinea pig-like them?

" To..Touru" she mumbled as she went towards her childhood friend as she touches his cheeks to feel that it was not imagination.

" Sorry for waiting Kuroka," Touru said as he sheathed the Yamato and he hugged her tightly, after a few minutes later a voice that interrupted them.

[ Hey hey lovebirds let's finish these people I'm sure two of you want to revenge against them right] Albion said even that he become a sacred gear it doesn't mean he cannot saw or hear anything.

" Oh right Kuroka you wanna try to make them guinea pig with their own medicine?" he said with a strong malice directing towards the Scientist and Naberius 'I don't know'.

" Ah please make an isolation Barrier around us, we cannot enjoy their pain if we interrupted," he asked her.

" Hmmnn." she nodded a bit as she still did not let go of his arm.

" Now then let's try their endurance by uprooting their nails." he said with a dark smile on face as walk towards 'Naberius I don't know'( A/N: I don't know his name, why do I waste my time to give him a name, he was not important anyway.) who was become a Meatball Head due to after-effects of Kuroka's Kasha.

" Well well, you didn't keep your promise to not harm our tribe, you make a Playthings to death those the ones who survive that become a defective I saw many piles of them you know because you thought I WAS DEAD!!!" he said as he took a pliers as he uprooting their nails slowly one by one.

" Rhhhrrrgghh rrooorrrryyy!!!!" due to becoming a disfigured his vocal cords were cooked as he cannot make proper words to plead.

" Huh I can't hear you ahh you want more painful ahh I don't know you like to be a painful way hah," Touru said as took a scalpel near the table, while Naberius Meatball Head( A/N: I just gave him a name just for the sake of torture) was painfully shaking his head as he tries to deny his words.

" Hmm you wanna play Pen Pen De Sarapen? I'm glad you asked for it~~" Touru said as he place Naberius Meatball Head to the stretcher as he tied the two arms of Naberius who was struggling to get out of this place.

" Now now don't be excited we will start right away right? Let's sing Pen Pen De Sarapen~~" he sung while he stabbing each nerves and finger joints of Naberius's hand.

" Gggrruuuwwwaaa.... mmoorrrrmmmyy!!!!!" Naberius cried to beg for Touru's mercy.

" I'm glad I'm glad you like it so much I don't know that this is so fun, Let's play again right~~" he said as he continues to torture the rest of them.

---- 1 day inside the barrier, 1 minute outside the barrier ----

Touru use his ability was called Time Manipulation which is he obtains when he got Evil pieces, he thought that he and Kuroka was perfect match each other for her Space Manipulation.


" What a masterpiece, so this is how Mind Break does huh," he said as he walked towards the large basin of water to wash the blood on his body.

" What will be to them nya?" Kuroka asked as she was satisfied with their work as she joins him in the large basin.

" We will get rid of them without even a single finger to them its waste to gave them a proper burial anyways," he said while hugging Kuroka from the back.

" Hmm... we need to rebuild our tribe nya, we need to make many kitties nya~~" Kuroka said she buried herself to his body.

" It's okay that can wait later we need to get Shirone and get out of this hell," he said as his head to Kuroka's hair.

" By the way what is that wings earlier nya?" she said as she forgot to ask him.

" It's Sacred Gear: Longinus Divine Dividing, it's seems that I'm White Dragon Emperor on this generation." he said as he continued." Come on we need to get Shirone and leave as fast as possible."

" Okay nya~~" she gets up as her tail was swinging flexibly as she intentionally hit his crotch, who got hard because of her body.

" Not now Kuroka," he said as get out in the large basin, after that he summon the Divine Dividing as he pulled out the Yamato. He focus his intent towards the sword and desire destination.

*Slash!!** crack!!**crack!!*( Space Tear )

There was a medium-cut in out of nowhere, the most dangerous place where only the two strongest being treated it as their home 'Dimension Gap'.Which is appeared beside the Naberius and his people, Touru walk towards them as he gathering a large amount of chakra on his feet. He kicks them hard all of them beside Touru and Kuroka was entered to the Dimension Gap which is cost them to disaggregated to particles after that the Dimension Gap was closed.

" Now let's go to Shirone," he said.

" Nya~~" she replied.

--- To Be Continued ---