Excalibur Arc lll

--- DXD World, Japan, Town of Kuoh, Kuoh Academy ---

--- Three days later ---

" From here on out, I will start a war! I will take your heads as a gift! Even if it's only me, I will continue from where we left off! I'm going to show Sirzechs and Michael that we, the Fallen Angels, are the ultimate beings!" ( A/N: Just copy-paste this line in Fandom)

A man in a black robe with a five pairs of wings on it's back he was Kokabiel the Cadre of Grigory Group, he was floating in the air while mocking the Rias and Sona's Peerage except for Akeno who went missing ten days ago. Yuuto was fighting Freed Sellzen who was wielding an Excalibur Rapidly which is allowed him to have an immense speed. Xenovia and Irina was fighting was also fighting other smaller Cerberus

Valper Galilei was trying to fuse the other Excalibur Pieces while being protected by Cerberus. Meanwhile, in the rooftop, there was seven people sat together under the kotatsu table while drinking tea, which is none other than Touru, Kuroka, Shirone, Aika, Lisa, and the new members were Akeno and Fallen Akeno.

When Akeno and Fallen Akeno learns that they are branded as a Stray Devil, they finally accepted his offer. Even though it was desperate, Touru and the other two Nekoshou her feeling for being persecuted. Akeno was wearing her Shrine Maiden attire while Fallen Akeno was wearing a black Yukata that she borrowed from Kuroka. Seven of them were watching the incident in the rooftop which is covered by Isolation Barrier by Kuroka's Sacred Gear, six of them except Touru was watching Xenovia who will be next candidate for their group.

" Do you think you can get alive, if you harm us my brother will erase you in this world," Rias said as she was gathering the Power of Destruction in her hands ( which is sloppy and slow).

" That's what I wanted, peace was nothing but restrictions for the Great Me!!!" Kokabiel said as he threw more holy spear towards them which is they immediately escape like a rat. While the Sona's group was maintaining the barrier to reduce the damages out in the place.

While Issei doesn't have power-sharing like Ddraig as Deidara was not listening to his host as he didn't have any power-sharing skill as he likes to do anything solo before he was sealed, even if there was, he will never teach him as he was defying his evolution.

The Loli dog Youkai or so-called Yuminu Inasuka, was wielding a giant hammer which is twice a big as she was swinging against Freed as she was helping Yuuto to defeat him. But they are hard to kill him as his speed was faster and faster in the moment of time.

" Freed give me that piece I can achieve now to fuse the Excalibur!!!" Valper said as he gathered the light from his hands as there were two Excalibur Pieces floating above his hands.

" Make it quick old man!!" Freed threw the Excalibur Rapidly to Valper as he took out a Light Sword from his pouch as he continued to fight the two devils. While Yuuto watches the scene of Valper as he could feel the familiar feeling coming from the light.

" Hahahahahahaha at last I achieve to use the Excalibur!!! Thanks to the sacrifice of your friend's test subject!!!" Valper crazily laughed as he was looking at Yuuto as he was trying to show the light.

" It can't be-!!!!" Kiba was shock.

" That's right this is your friend remains, I need to sacrifice them, the defective subject, *sigh* this must be a God's will," Valper said as he ignores Yuuto who was kneeling in the ground while he was crying with anger.

" Then my life for revenge was for nothing huh," Kiba muttered under his breath which still looking down in the ground while gripping his Sacred Gear tightly.

' Isaiah please live in.' a voice could be heard by Yuuto, he thought it was his imagination.

' Don't give up Isaiah....' a different voice could be heard as Yuuto was familiar at that voice.

' Don't worry about us.' another voice again was heard by Yuuto, after a few seconds he comes to a conclusion.

" Everyone.... but I cannot forgive what they did to you guys!" Yuuto said as look at his surroundings as he was surrounded by a wisp of light, he was familiar in their warmth.

' Don't worry Isaiah... with us we will support you no matter what.' the voice said, Yuuto has gained clarity on his mind as he stood up and he points his Sacred Gear to the sky.

" This is for everyone!! Balance Breaker: Sword of Betrayer!!!" Yuuto roared as his Sacred Gear was covered in light, after a second the light vanished as there was a sword covered by Holy and Demonic Aura in Yuuto's hands.

" Impossible! impossible!!! how can a Holy and Demonic Aura can coexist.. unless.. unless the God was-" Valper was shocked from what he saw as he was saying about the God but he was interrupted.

" Now now, your value was none existence now, and thanks to your hard work human," Kokabiel said as he stabbed Valper with his holy spear as he took the incomplete Excalibur from Valper who was dying now from his hands.

" This Sword was worthy for me, I am the Great Kokabiel I will make you saw that the Fallen Angels has right for Supremacy!! I forget to say this to everyone that God was Dead during the Great War as I am the one who witnesses it!!!!" Kokabiel said as he was holding the incomplete Excalibur.

" No! no.. nooo!!!" Irina denied as too much to her, she was a believer that borderline to fanatic. She work hard from childhood until now to serve her Lord God. And now, she learned the truth that the God was Dead long ago. Asia fainted from shock she learns the truth, she thought her reason that she was excommunicated because for trial of the God.

" Sis wake up!!" Issei was shaking Asia to wake up, after a few seconds that she didn't respond he looks again at Kokabiel.

" You bastard, get ready your butt!!! I will screw it that you cannot feel alive!!!!" Issei roared at Kokabiel who was faltered in the sky because of Issei's words.

"...." Freed and Yuuto.

"...." Xenovia and Irina who was calm down a bit.

"..." Yuminu.

".. " Rias.

"..." the three Cerberus.

"...." Touru and co.

" Y-you!!! Degenerate Maggot!!!" Kokabiel roared as he lifts up the incomplete Excalibur in the sky and ready to slashed Issei.

"-!!!" Kokabiel cannot move the Excalibur.

" Well you need to return the Excalibur to its original owner." A voice could be heard in the rooftop.

" Where are you and who are you!!?" Kokabiel said as they look at the rooftop, all of them was a shock to see Touru and co., that there was two identical of Akeno beside them. And what's more, the shock was they didn't feel them till now and there was the disturbing sight of the kotatsu table on them.

" You can just call me Observer as I am observing their management of this town, anyways hand over that Excalibur to its original owner." Touru who was in Nekoshou form said as he blink towards them that even Kokabiel cannot perceive him.

" What are your blabbering Youkai!!" Kokabiel roared as he rushes towards him.

" Since you are not listening," Touru said as he took out the Excalibur Deflection from the space.

" I, once a king of Camelot, I defended my homeland from Invaders be it Supernatural or Human being, And I who wield who wield a two holy sword Caliburn and Excalibur!!!" Touru said out, as a new memory that came from the Legendary King entered in his mind. He stretches out his hand with Excalibur Deflection as he pointed it to the sky.

" Excalibur Unite!!" he said as he was not aware that on his back there was a transparent figure of middle age man clad with an armor and a golden crown and a red cape on his back, his posture was same as Touru, he was pointing the sword to the sky.

" What!!" Kokabiel stopped his advance as he saw the scene in front of him, even the incomplete Excalibur has escaped from his hand as they float towards Touru with a speed of light.

--- Unknown Location ---

A young man in his twenties with a formal attire was staying in a certain secret base was feel the Excalibur Ruler beside him, that started floating as it went through to the Touru's location.

" Hmm it must be a Spirit Inheritor of our Ancestor was born huh," he said as saw the Caliburn besides his was started to glow brightly but it didn't move to its place.

" Interesting."

--- Vatican ---

The church treasury was going in pandemonium as the remaining Excalibur Pieces was rampaging from the vault. But luckily they escape from that place and went towards Touru.

" What happened here!!!" a certain chubby Bishop roared at the guardian of the Treasury.

" Bishop-sama the Excalibur Pieces was rampaging as we don't want to destroyed the treasures as we let it escape." the guardian said as he earned a spat of drool on his face by the bishop.

" You fools!!! get out of my way!!!" the bishop said as he pushes aside the guardian which is didn't move in inches, as latter snort as he left the bishop.

" Ohhhh noo!!!! my treasures!!!!" the bishop cried as he saw the vault that filled with numerous slashes all around even many treasures and expensive antique things was loitering around was destroyed and not even one was spared by the Excalibur Pieces.

--- Kuoh Academy ---

The Excalibur Pieces in Xenovia and Irina was also floated towards Touru as they will witness the existence of the True Excalibur. Xenovia who has learned the truth about the existence of God from Touru was not a bit shock but still surprised to know it from the Fallen Angel that survive from the Great War. All of them saw the transparent person behind Touru, all of them were familiar in the face and it's a sword that he wields.

- King Arthur Pendragon -

--- To Be Continued ---