Odin v.s. Loki

Author's Note : Sorry for late chapter, because I remaking the scenario in my mind as I don't want to to cling too much in canon.

--- DXD World, Japan, Town of Kuoh, Nekoshou Shrine ---

--- Third Person POV ---

Touru was carrying the twins in his arms while Yasaka and the rest were enjoying the scene, some of them were excited to have his child when they finished the Highschool, like Kuroka and Shirone who was promised by Touru, while Xenovia who doesn't have experience with Touru was starting to plan to make babies with him.

During the time when Touru and the rest of the group plus Yasaka, Kunou, and the cats were inside the Time Chamber Space Barrier, the events of the peace treaty with the Norse Mythology.

--- DXD World, Underworld, Lucifaad ---

Loki has suddenly appeared as he objects against the peace treaty, instead of Rias and Sona's Peerage who will face Loki it was Odin himself who confronts his son as he was against the idea of Sirzech to sent the group of young devils against Loki. As Odin saw what happened in the Kuoh when Kokabiel was planning to create a second Great War he was greatly disappointed towards the four Satan as he sent his crows towards Kuoh he heard that the Crimson Maou through the magic circle, that will prepare the army in an hour, for him it was a great b.s.

Thanks to Touru who easily subjugate Kokabiel as he also witnessed the shadow of original Arthur in Touru's back. His warrior's blood was boiling as he wants to spar with Touru if they have chance to meet, even the group of young devils manage to defeat Loki, it will be a hard blow towards the reputation of his Pantheon. As a chief of Norse Mythology, his priority over his Pantheon first before the Peace, he maybe he got rusted for a long time as he wants peace.

" Son if you want to object against the peace, you need to defeat me," Odin said as he took off his robe which is shown that there was an armor beneath his robe as his muscles in his arms were expanding in the right size. He summoned his favored weapon Gungnir as he pointed towards Loki. While the latter was summoned his child and grandchild, Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Hati and Skoll, Odin who saw that his son has summoned Jörmungandr, he started to write the runes in the air that transform into the large magic circle that only covered Odin, Loki and Loki's family, after that they vanished in the Underworld.

--- Unknown Dimension ---

Odin and the others arrived at the random dimension without any lives around them. Odin who saw Fenrir, finally understands that his son will not hold back against him, create a runes around his body to reinforce his defense in a case that Fenrir will manage to injure him.

" Give me a warm-up son," he said as he started to rush towards them with incredible speed, which caused the others to raise their guard while Loki started to create many runes in the air.

" Hailstorm!!!" Loki said as he ordered his son to create a formation that allowed him to attacks, Odin, without being injured. The runes of Loki was starting to morph into a solid material= Ice, thousands of ice spear was sending towards Odin, who just deflecting the ice spears as he creates many rune which is turning into orange-red, after that a large amount of flames that blazed towards Loki.

" You're improving in tactics son," Odin said as he was close enough to Loki to attack him, but the child of Loki will not let him do that as they rushed towards him in pincer attacks.

" Whoops!!" Odin who dodges the pincer attacks from his grandchild as he swipes his Gungnir around him as they're sent flying, Fenrir fainted as he was smashed near his lungs by Odin.

" Tsk!!! Blazzard!!!" Loki used the flame from Odin as he combines with his ice magic, he fired his magic at Odin like a laser beam.

( A/N: Blizzard + Blaze = Blazzard )

"Gungnir!!!" Odin shouted as he unleashes the power of his spear which is shot a beam with a compressed power of sunlight towards the beam that coming towards him.

* Boooooommmm!!!!! *

A large explosion happened when the two attacks collided. The space around them was starting to have cracks. A few hundred meters from them, a large magic circle with a Lucifer sigil was appeared out of nowhere which courses the two gods to look at the magic circle. They saw three people come out from the magic circle, these three people were none other than Team Vali with consists of Vali Lucifer, Arthur Pendragon, and Bikou.

" What are you doing here little thief," Odin said as he saw a chain that familiar to him, it was a chain that subdued the Fenrir called Gleipnir. A chain made of six magical ingredients: the sound of a cat's step, the beard of a woman, the roots of a mountain, bear's sensibility, fish's breath, and bird's spittle.

" We're here to take this with us," Vali said as he uses the Gleipnir on unconscious Fenrir.

" Hm, do what you want," Odin said as he didn't bother to interrupt them as the God slaying Wolf was out of battle, he can go all out now as he didn't need too much vigilant for now, as he was focused on Loki who was rushing towards the Team Vali, but he was interrupted by Odin.

" Let's continue," he said to his son while exerting a large amount of fighting spirit as he spins the Gungnir.

" Very well father," Loki said as he creates a spear made in durable ice, after he finishes creating the spear, he rushed towards Odin.

* Baaaaaannnnnnggggggg!!!!!! *

* Boooooommmm!!!!! *

* Baaaammmm!!!!!! *

--- Meanwhile ---

Vali and his group have already captured Fenrir and teleported it towards their base. They stayed here as they watch the battle of Gods, they stay away from the battlefield to make sure that they will not shot by stray magic from the two.

" Man, I want to join them," Bikou said as Vali was agreed at him.

" Yeah, but still they are not strong as Great Red, and is also enough to revenge against Rizevim." Vali casually said after that create the magic circle to teleport them out of this Dimension.

---- Underworld, Lucifaad ----

The four Satan was waiting for Odin if he managed to defeat his son. While Sirzech was impatiently waiting as he walking back and forth, Ajuka doesn't care what inside of Sirzech mind, Serafall was in her serious mode as she doesn't want to near at Sirzech, she was mad at him for making idea to send the young devils against Loki who has the strength of Peak Ultimate Class and what's more he intends to leave behind Asia who can heal them as for sure that no one will leave without injuries, they might have Phoenix Tears but it was only three vials. How many will send against Loki? they are more than a dozen of them if included Rossweise. She didn't know if the name of Lucifer made him arrogant or his brain was not properly fixed. While Falbium was staying away from him, he might also caught his retarded brain sickness.

* Swiisshh!!!! *

A small magic circle with Norse runes appeared in front of them. Odin shown himself while carrying unconscious Loki in his shoulder like a sack of potato walks out as he uses his Gungnir as a walking stick.

" It seems that I need to think for a while before I accept this treaty, come on Rossweise, we need to return in Asgard," Odin said as he calls out his secretary, who was quickly walking towards him. After she was near with him, he create a rune that transform into a magic circle beneath them, they teleport out from Underworld.

--- To Be Continued ---